Jiraiya,The Toad Sage (Part 4)

Start from the beginning

Naruto started at Jiraiya not understanding until it clicked in his mind.

"Ah yeah! I know about that!When we took in that Akatsuki guy,Captain Yamato combined his Water Style with my Wind Style to make that Hurricane Vortex Jutsu!"Naruto said.
"Good! If you know it,that makes thing easier.Summoning Jutsu!!"Jiraiya said.

Jiraiya bit his hand and did the hand sign and slammed his hand on the ground.A cloud of smoke appeared.

"Oh Jira,it's been too long"The toad said

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"Oh Jira,it's been too long"The toad said.
"Ahhh!"Naruto said.

Naruto full back remembering the voice,how could he forget.

"I apologize for having to make you come so far,Gamariki"Jiraiya said.
"Oh,don't be silly!Don't mention it such old,dear friends as you and I are!!"Gamariki shush Jiraiya.
"Ahhh!!!"Naruto yelled rolled backward 3 times.
"Did you really have to exaggerate that much,troublesome blonde?"Shikamaru said sweat dropped from his seat and Hinata giggled.

Gamariki turned towards Naruto.
"What's Gamariki doing here?"Naruto asked.
"Oh Naruto,you're here too,huh?"Gamariki sounded disappointed.
"Ugh!"Naruto got sick.

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