Chapter 1

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All drawings are mine and not to be used without my permission

Enjoy ^^


Parties, Sammy had found, were the bane of her existence as a borrower nowadays. Sure, perhaps it was better than being locked up in a lab as she had been a few months ago, but it was beginning to take the bloody piss.

This was the third time in the past two weeks that the young bean had thrown a house party, and despite the abundance of leftover food afterwards, it was so loud half the time that Sammy could hardly hear her own thoughts...though in all fairness, she pushed those away pretty often in the silence too.

The young bean she mooched off of was the same age as her, though she liked to believe the mental age discrepancy was much larger. Sammy didn't understand half of the odd human behaviours he did– really, was snorting sugar as fun as he seemed to believe? But regardless of what she couldn't understand, there were many more things that she did.

As a young child, she had grown up in a very fortunate situation, in that for seven years from the age of four to eleven, Sammy and her family lived in a library. It was a small library, kept afloat by book fairs and school events on the regular, but it allowed her to learn how to read when the doors were closed. After learning to read, she went on to advance her learning further with things most borrowers couldn't even comprehend.

She found herself keeping up with the work that the young bean brought home from school with no problem– from algebra and geometry, to physics and chemistry. Though Sammy didn't know the answer to absolutely everything asked, she could follow along with relative accuracy, and consoled herself with the fact that it had been six years since she last read up on the Theory of Relativity.

The boy never completed his work, nor did he start it, but he always had his name written in chicken scratch at the top of the paper. He would then proceed to throw it away and never think about it again.

If you asked Sammy, it was a wasted opportunity for him to do something more thrilling than lay in bed and blast music, but she wouldn't complain since it allowed her to snag some papers for herself.

His name was Oscar Davies (though it was very possible his last name was different, his handwriting was honestly abysmal), and although Sammy was not one to comment on the lifestyles of her host humans very often, she had to admit that he lived very oddly.

Firstly, despite living alone with his mum, they seemed to rarely ever talk other than in passing. His mum wasn't at home half the time, and Oscar took full advantage of that to cause problems for Sammy, almost getting her caught when she hadn't realised he was skipping on a Monday.

Beans who can't even stick to their own schedule... Honestly.

She missed the consistency of the library– or even the last bean house they had stayed in. It hadn't ended well, of course, but at least the doctor who owned the house had a stable lifestyle. Sometimes Sammy would see Oscar laying in bed the whole day, unmoving to the point that she had almost thought he had died in his sleep, and sometimes he would be completely restless and come close to accidentally killing the borrower with his unexpected and over-the-top movements on several occasions.

His recent house party addiction wasn't particularly dangerous for Sammy, but she had considered throwing herself out the window just to get the loud music to stop.

Fortunately, on this specific occasion, the party had ended pretty quickly. Less fortunately, it was as a result of a few beans leaving, and the remaining beans passing something around and eventually passing out all over the place. There was so much good food left out in the kitchen, and not a single human coming to get it... Sammy liked those odds.

(G/T) The Party Was Crazy Last NightWhere stories live. Discover now