Chapter 15

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Great. We still don't have Cole safe and sound. And now I have to get my hands on the wand. Wouldn't be the first time. Only, this time it's a matter of life or death.

No pressure, Harry.
Inside the bridge hideout, Harry relayed the dire news to his friends.

Justin was seated at the desk. Michael was sprawled out on the couch, and Calum stood behind him. They watched Harry pace back and forth.

"Ugh! There's no way we're going to give Sabrina the wand," said Calum. "Are you kidding, like we're just going to let her destroy Auradon?" He threw his hands up.

"We don't give Sabrina the wand and Cole is toast, guys," said Justin.

"Yeah, what other option do we have?" asked Michael.

"So we give Becca's wand to Sabrina, of all people—" started Calum.

Harry held out his hands. "You guys!" he said.

They quieted down and gave him their attention.

Harry gestured to Justin. "Your 3-D printer. Is there any way that you could—"

"A phony wand!" said Justin with a snap of his fingers. "In my sleep!"

"The second Sabrina tests it, she'll know it's fake," Calum rebutted.

"Okay," said Harry. "So then we just get Cole out really fast. We need some kind of diversion."

"Smoke bombs!" shouted Michael.

Harry pointed at him and nodded.

"Perfect!" said Calum, walking over to Harry. "I can get the chemical I need at Lady Nelson's place." He stopped in front of Harry. "Oh, and sick hair, by the way," he said, lightly touching it. "Wicked stepmom's seriously stepped up her game!"

"Do you want to know something? Jesy did this!" said Harry.

Calum smiled. "Little Jesy? Shut up!"

Justin rested his face in his hand while Michael walked over to join him.

"I know, and I'm, like, seriously loving it!" Harry ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm, like, really proud of her!" Calum said.

"Right?" said Harry.

Michael nudged Justin and cleared his throat.

"Uhhh, helloooo!" Justin called out.

Harry and Calum turned to him and Michael.

"Right," Calum said quietly, realizing they should get back on track.

Harry clapped. "Okay. Michael, Justin. You meet us at Pirate's Cove no later than noon. And, guys, losing . . . Hey!" Harry snapped his fingers to get their attention. "It's not an option." He looked gravely from Calum to Michael to Justin. "Because we're rotten . . ."

"To the core," the friends said in unison.

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