Chapter 14

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Ugh! Seriously, why did my friends have to come here?
Once I get Cole back from Sabrina, I'll send everyone on their way. P.S. I can't wait to see the look on Sabrina's face when I tell her that the Prince of Evil is back and here to stay.

In her apron, Sabrina emerged from the kitchen in Elizabeth's Fish and Chips.

She carried a tray of fish and chips in each hand and dropped one onto the long wooden table in front of an old pirate who looked like she wore a potato sack. The fish and chips flew off the tray with the impact and landed on the dirty table.

"Hey! I wanted the fried clams!" the angry customer shouted at Sabrina.

The other diners looked up from their table at the outburst.

Sabrina wheeled menacingly on the customer. "And I wanted a sea pony. Life ain't fair."

The customer recoiled.

Sabrina strolled across the diner and roughly slid the other tray of food onto a table. "Order up," she mumbled. She looked up, and a smile spread across her face as she watched the dingy green doors to the diner open and Harry strut into the building.

Harry paused in the doorway. "I'm baaa-ack!" he sang.

Sabrina cackled. "Loser, party of one," she said. "Right this way, please." She gestured toward an empty table. As Harry approached it, Sabrina kicked a chair toward him. But Harry was quick and caught it by its back, turned it around and plopped down into it in front of the table. Sabrina crossed her arms, watching.

Harry smiled smugly. "Place still stinks," he noted.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Sabrina with feigned concern. "We're down a butler today, prince." She cackled again and looked around the fetid diner at her fellow pirates.

"Where is he?" asked Harry, getting down to business.

Sabrina plucked off her soiled apron, dropped it onto the floor, and started to pace in front of Harry.

"You know, I've dreamed of this," said Sabrina with a smile. Then her expression hardened. "You needing something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook." Sabrina looked at the pirates, who nodded. Sabrina smiled again.

Harry let out a short laugh. "I'm so flattered that you dream of me. I haven't given you a single thought since I left."

"Oh, obviously," said Sabrina, stooping so that her face was inches from Harry's. "You have your perfect little life, don't you? And we're twenty years into a garbage strike." Sabrina walked around the table and put a hand on the chair across from Harry.

"Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me, game on! I see no need to bring Cole into this," said Harry.

"Oh, it may not be necessary, but it is so much fun." Sabrina walked back around the table and moved her face to Harry's again. She smiled. "Here's the deal," she said.

Harry interrupted with a laugh. "Just like your mother. Always a catch."

Sabrina rolled up her sleeve and sat across from Harry. She slammed her elbow onto the table as if she was about to arm wrestle. "If you win, Cole is free to go," she said.

Harry liked a challenge. He rested his elbow on the table.

The diners noticed something was going on and got up from their tables to crowd around them.

Sabrina grinned. "Oh, don't you want to know what I get if I win?"

"Still dreaming," said Harry.

Sabrina chuckled. "You know as I recall, your mother thought she had things all sewn up, too," said Sabrina. "How'd that work out for her?"

Good one, thought Harry. "On three," he said, locking eyes with Sabrina.

"One," said Sabrina with a smile.

"Two," Harry said flatly, betraying zero emotion.

"Three," they said in unison.

Harry and Sabrina started to arm wrestle, not taking their eyes off each other. Their arms quivered. The pirates looked on, whispering among themselves.

"You know, the whole prince act?" said Sabrina. "I never bought it for a second. You can stick a tiara on a villain, but you're still a villain, honey."

"Aw, and you can throw a pirate hat on, but you're still Shrimpy," said Harry.

Sabrina faltered for a split second but then regained control. Harry's eyes flashed green. He pushed Sabrina's hand down so that it was mere inches from the table.

"If I win," said Sabrina through bared teeth. "you bring me the wand."

Harry gawked, and the green light drained from his eyes. In that moment, Sabrina rammed Harry's arm down onto the table. Harry gasped. Sabrina howled with laughter. The pirates around them cheered, and Sabrina stood and threw her hands up victoriously.

Sabrina hunched over the table and glowered at Harry. "Now, if you want beasty boy back, bring Becca's magic wand to my ship tomorrow at twelve o'clock noon. Sharp!" Sabrina started to walk away. "Oh, and if you blab, you can kiss your baby good-bye." Sabrina sauntered off and left Harry shaking his head.

Losing to Sabrina had not been part of Harry's plan.

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