Ladybug and Cat Noir

Start from the beginning

"When is the masquerade?" Adrien asked.

"One week from today," Marinette said.

"Good. Plenty of time to get the purrfect costume" Adrien tried one mask.

"That one looks good but has too much whiskers," Marinette said.

"Too ticklish?" Adrien chuckled and looks at the black normal one made of leather.

"Try this one" Marinette puts it on.

Adrien looks in the mirror and saw himself in the mask. He accidentally meowed but quickly covered his mouth.

"Cute" Marinette giggled.

"Who the hell are you? You're cute but that outfit is utterly ridiculous!" Chloe ranted at Adrien.

"Who are you calling cute?" Adrien growled a little.

"You kitty boy" Chloe replied with a pout.

"Don't call me kitty boy. If you don't mind, I like nice people that don't obnoxiously criticize my life" Adrien pushed her away, roughly.

"He's right, Chloe. You should respect people!" Marinette stepped in.

"You dare speak up against me?!" Chloe complained.

"I'm more than just a man" Adrien's eyes nearly shifted to the cat's eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Chloe backs away.

"I'm giving you a warning, you threaten my friend, you're not gonna like me when I'm angry," Adrien said.

"Watch out, Chloe. He's like a wild wolf ready to howl" Marinette smirked.

"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe leaves in a huff.

Adrien sighs in relief by controlling his inner beast from unleashing, "Man, she's quite a thorn by the side" He said.

"Just like her mom. Impressing her was just not enough" Marinette said and bought the masks.

"I guess they are so similar," Adrien said.

"Of course," Marinette said.

But then, a weirdo-looking man was commanding the pigeons to take over Paris and he sure was not in his right mind.

"What the heck?!" Marinette was shocked.

"Who the hell is that?" Adrien asked.

"Let's call him Mr. Pigeon," Marinette said and puts on a ladybug-themed mask.

"Well looks like it's up to us," Adrien said.

"It could be dangerous but this is your chance to show Paris that you're not a savage beast," Marinette said.

"Alright, let's get dangerous!" Adrien puts the mask on and runs out.

"My pretties, fly and cause chaos!" Mr. Pigeon commanded his pigeons to attack the people.

With the mask on, Adrien partially transformed into the beast, "RAWR! The cat's here to hunt!" He called out to get his attention.

"Aaahhh!!! What are you?! Roo! Rooooo!" Mr. Pigeon standing on his pack of pigeons.

"Call me Cat Noir!" Cat Noir unsheathed his claws.

"Get him my birdies!" Mr. Pigeon sends them to Cat Noir.

"Ladies first!" Ladybug swats them with her parasol.

"Whoa, who are you?" Cat Noir saw Marinette as her alter ego.

"Call me Ladybug," She said.

"Meow, does this mean I get to be your animal sidekick?" Cat Noir wagged his partial cat tail.

"Of course, Kitty. Let's do it!" Ladybug ran at Mr. Pigeon.

"I love a good bird snack! MEOW!!" Cat Noir roared and ran on all fours.

But when he dove into the swarm of pigeons he sneezed, "Achoo! Okay! Time for....achoo....claw striking!" Cat Noir clawed them all one by one.

Ladybug fought Mr. Pigeon and tried to think of a plan to get the bird caller off. She looks at a carriage filled with corn, "Cat Noir! The corn!"

"What do you....Oh, I get it!" Cat Noir knew what the plan is.

So he ran over and breaks open the boxes of corn, spreading them directly at Mr. Pigeon, "Snack time. Yum!" Cat Noir laughed.

"NOOO!!! NOT THE CORNS!" Mr. Pigeon screamed and the pigeons all overwhelmed him.

"Good job, kitty" Ladybug scratched the half beast's chin.

"Thanks, Bugaboo" Cat Noir said her new nickname.

Ladybug grabs the bird caller from the man and the birds simply flew away, "Pound it!" Both fist-bumped.

"NO! MY DARLINGS! COME BACK!" Mr. Pigeon whined.

"No more evil-doings for you" Ladybug tied him up to let the authorities take care of him.

"That savage beast! Get him away from me!" Mr. Pigeon yelped.

"Ah, thank you so much, young hero" The Mayor called.

Citizens were murmuring at the teen who is partially transformed into a werecat but did not show any threats or savage nature.

"People, please. I'm not a pure werecat. I'm a mix of it" Cat Noir said.

"And he's so adorable too. Are you a good kitty?" Ladybug scratched behind his cat ears.

"Mmmmm..... yeah" Cat Noir purred.

"Awww....." The citizens awed at them.

"Well, we gotta go now," Ladybug said.

"I'll be back" Cat Noir runs with her.

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