hair change

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It was a typical evening in the Slytherin common room, and Beatrice was lounging on one of the couches, flipping through a book. Regulus was sitting nearby, studying for an upcoming exam. Suddenly, without warning, Beatrice's hair began to shift and change color, going from its natural black to green tipped black hair.

Regulus looked up in confusion, his eyes wide. " What just happened?" he exclaimed, staring at Beatrice in shock.

 Beatrice grinned, her hair clearly green tipped. "I'm a Metamorphmagus," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can change my hair color at will."

"Wow, I've never seen anything like that before," Regulus said, still looking stunned. "That's amazing! Can you change other things about your appearance too?"

"Yes, I can change my eyes, nose, and even my skin tone, even into an animal" Beatrice said, her voice filled with pride.

Regulus shook his head in amazement. "That's truly incredible. I can't believe I never knew you had this ability."

"Not many people do," Beatrice said, shrugging. " It's one of my favorite things about myself, but calls for unwanted attention."

Regulus smiled at her. "Well, I think it's amazing and you should be proud of it."

 Beatrice smiled, her  hair shining in the firelight. "Thanks, Regulus. I'm glad you think so."

Just then, Barty Jr. walked into the common room, his eyes immediately drawn to Beatrice's hair. "Nice hair, sis," he said with a smirk.

"Thanks, Barty," Beatrice said, beaming. "I thought it was time for a change, plus it fits our house better black hair and green tips. Then again house colours are green and sliver but you know I'd look like I'm greying"

The trio laughed.

"Hey guys, did you forget something?" Barty Jr. asked, looking at his friends with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Regulus asked, confused.

"Tomorrow is our first Hogsmeade trip!" Barty Jr. exclaimed, his face lighting up with excitement.

"Merlin's beard, I completely forgot!" Beatrice exclaimed.

"Me too!" Regulus added, feeling a rush of excitement.

"I can't wait to explore the village and try all the different sweets and treats!" Beatrice said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"And maybe even buy a new book or some potions ingredients," Regulus added, already planning his shopping list.

"I can't wait to go with you guys," Barty Jr. said, smiling at his friends. "It's going to be an amazing day."

The trio spent the rest of the evening chatting excitedly about their upcoming trip to Hogsmeade, making plans and discussing what they wanted to do and see. They couldn't wait for the next day to arrive, eager to explore the magical village and create new memories together.

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