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ps. i put it as Dumbledore as there is no record who was the DADA teacher

Barty , Beatrice and Regulus walked into their Defense Against the Dark Arts class the next day, feeling more excited than they had for any of their other lessons. They were eager to learn about the different ways to protect themselves from dark magic and creatures.

As they sat down at their desks, they noticed that the atmosphere in the classroom was different from any of their other classes. It was brighter, with the sun shining through the windows, and the desks were arranged in a semicircle facing the front of the room.

Professor Dumbledore, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, entered the room and immediately commanded attention. He was a tall, wise figure with a twinkle in his eye that seemed to say he knew more than he was letting on. He began the lesson by taking attendance, making sure everyone was present and accounted for, before moving on to explain the importance of understanding the nature of evil and how it can be combated through understanding and compassion.

The class was engaging, with Professor Dumbledore using real-life examples and historical accounts to illustrate his points. Barty , Beatrice and Regulus found themselves fully engaged in the lesson, eager to learn more and improve their understanding of the subject.

As the lesson progressed, Professor Dumbledore began to tell them about the different types of dark creatures they might encounter and how to defend themselves against them. He also discussed the importance of understanding one's own personal biases and prejudices and how they can be overcome.

The class ended all too soon for the trio, they couldn't wait for the next lesson and they were excited to see what other insights Professor Dumbledore had to share with them.

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