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Barty , Beatrice, and  Regulus walked into the transfiguration classroom, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. They had been looking forward to this class since they had received their schedules and were eager to learn the art of transfiguration.

The classroom was bright and spacious, with large windows that let in natural light. The walls were adorned with diagrams and illustrations of various creatures and objects in different stages of transformation. The students were seated at desks, each one equipped with a wand and a set of textbooks.

Professor McGonagall, the transfiguration teacher, greeted the students as they walked in. "Welcome to your first transfiguration lesson," she said, her voice firm but kind. "I am Professor McGonagall and I will be your transfiguration instructor for the year."

The students all greeted her in return, and the Professor began the lesson by taking the register then explaining the basic principles of transfiguration and the different types of spells and incantations that they would be learning. She also emphasized the importance of focus, precision and practice for mastering the art of transfiguration.

Barty  , Beatrice, and Regulus listened intently, eager to learn more about the subject. Beatrice seemed to have a natural talent for it, she was able to understand the concepts quickly and was able to perform the transfigurations with ease.

As the lesson progressed, the three of them worked together to successfully transfigure a matchstick into a needle. While Barty  and Regulus were still struggling with the spell, Beatrice was able to perform it with ease, impressing both her classmates and Professor McGonagall.

After the lesson, Professor McGonagall praised Beatrice for her natural talent and skill in Transfiguration awarding her 10 points for slytherin , and encouraged her to continue practicing and developing her abilities. Beatrice felt proud and excited about her new found talent and couldn't wait to continue

the crouch twins - first three years at hogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now