nine and three quarters

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 Barty Crouch Jr. and his twin sister Beatrice made their way through the crowd, each pulling a trunk behind them. They were both dressed in their muggle clothes and had their wands tucked safely in their pockets. Beatrice's owl midnight was incased in a sliver cage. Midnight was a sleek and majestic black owl with shiny, obsidian feathers. Her eyes were a bright, yellow-gold that seemed to gleam in the sunlight. She had a sharp, curved beak and long, powerful talons. She was a beautiful and noble creature, the embodiment of grace and intelligence. Beatrice had raised her since she was a chick and the two of them had a strong bond. Midnight was a reliable companion, always by Beatrice's side, delivering messages and carrying packages for her. She was also fiercely protective of her mistress and would fiercely defend her if she felt she was in danger.

As they approached the platform, Barty Jr. could feel his excitement building. He had heard so much about Hogwarts , and he couldn't wait to finally see it for himself. Beatrice, on the other hand, was a bit more apprehensive. She had always been the more sensible of the two, and she was worried about facing the unknown.

The twins reached the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Barty Jr. looked at his sister and smiled reassuringly. "Come on, Beatrice," he said. "We can do this together."

They grabbed their trunks and started to run towards the barrier, expecting to pass through it. But to their surprise, they slammed into a solid wall.

"What the-?" Barty Jr. exclaimed, rubbing his forehead.

"Maybe we're not doing it right," Beatrice suggested.

Barty Jr. nodded and tried again, this time with more determination. He pushed his trunk forward and, to his amazement, it disappeared through the barrier as if it were made of thin air. He turned back to Beatrice, who was still standing on the other side looking at him with a mixture of excitement and fear.

"Come on, Beatrice!" he shouted. "It's easy!"

Beatrice hesitated for a moment, but then she took a deep breath and ran towards the barrier with her trunk. Just like her brother, she passed through it with ease and found herself standing on platform 9 3/4.

The platform was a chaotic scene of students and parents . Steam from the Hogwarts Express, the train that would take them to Hogwarts, was already starting to rise from the engine. Barty Jr. and Beatrice looked at each other, both of them filled with a sense of excitement and adventure.

"We did it, Barty ," Beatrice said, smiling. "We're really going to Hogwarts."

Barty Jr. grinned. "Yeah, we are. And we're going to have the time of our lives."

The twin siblings boarded the Hogwarts Express.

the crouch twins - first three years at hogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now