final exams first year

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It was the final week of the school year and the tension in the castle was palpable. The trio, Beatrice, Barty and Regulus, sat in the Great Hall, surrounded by their fellow Slytherins, all of them studying hard for their final exams. They had been preparing for this moment for months and they were determined to do well.

As they studied, they went over their notes and reviewed past quizzes and assignments. They also went over their classwork and homework, making sure they understood the material fully. They felt the pressure of the exams weighing heavily on them, but they knew they had to push through it.

On the day of the exams, they woke up early and had a quick breakfast before heading to the classroom. They were all anxious but also excited to show off what they had learned throughout the year. The exams were tough but they felt prepared.

As they finished their last exam, they all let out a sigh of relief. They had made it through the first year at Hogwarts and they had done it together. They hugged each other, proud of themselves for all they had accomplished. They knew that the future held many challenges, but they were ready to face them as a team.

After the exams, the trio spent their remaining days at Hogwarts enjoying the castle and each other's company.

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