Chapter 17 - The Romantic Stroll

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The beginning of May...

Location - Shirasagi Residence, Living Room

Your POV

It has been some time since Chisato and I have graduated from high school. It honestly feels like have been a lot busier these days, and to be honest, we were. Out of the two of us, it feels like Chisato is more busier than me. First it was University, then it was Pastel*Palettes, and finally, the amount of movies and plays she has been in because of her being an actress.

Even though I've been busy myself, I always seem to have more free time on my hands. And because of that, I feel like she and I aren't as close anymore. And so, I made my way to her house to see if she wants to do anything for the day, even if it's only for a few hours.

I arrived at her house and knocked on the door, hoping that someone would be there. Chisato's mother answered the door, and she smiled at me.

"(Y/N)-kun, it's wonderful to see you again." She said. 

"Hi ma'am, it's nice to see you, too." I said and smiled back at her.

"I take it you're here to see Chisato, am I right?" She asked.

"Yeah. I know she's been so busy lately, so I figured some alone time might help her feel more relaxed." I said.

Mrs. Shirasagi smiled at the idea.

"I think that's a wonderful idea." She said. "You come in, and I'll go get her for you."


I headed into their living room and Mrs. Shirasagi went upstairs to get my girlfriend. I sat down on the couch and waited for her. A few seconds later, she showed up, wearing a new outfit. My heart skipped a beat the moment my eyes met with hers.

"Oh, my (Y/N)-kun." She smiled.  "How wonderful to see you again."

"It's nice to see you, too." I replied. "It feels like ages since we have last seen each other."

Chisato giggled.

"Yeah, I suppose it has."

"So, what brings you over here today?"

"I was wondering if you want to do something together?" I replied.

Upon hearing that, Chisato let out a sigh.

"Trust me, I wish I could, but I'm a busy today, so I don't think it'll work out." She replied.

Hearing that made my heart sank, but I didn't want to give up on her so easily.

"Please, Chisato? It's been a while since we have done anything together as a couple."

Chisato thought for a moment as she lets out a small sigh.

"I guess I can't say no to you, can I?" She said.

"Alright then, what do you have in mind?" She asked.

"I was thinking the two of us could go for a walk in the park." I said. "I know the Sakura trees are gone now, but it still couldn't hurt to go, right?"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." She said and gave me a smile.

"So can we go?"

"Of course we can. Just give me a few minutes to get ready." Chisato said before going back to her room.

An hour later...

Location - The Park

Chisato and I made it to the park and started walking around for a while. She and I held hands as we looked around the park. A lot of other couples were here as well. They must've had the same idea as us. 

While we were walking, Chisato looked up at the sky. There were a lot of clouds up there. She sighed happily. 

"This is nice, isn't it?" She asked me. 

"Yeah, I agree." I replied. "And it looks like the other couples had the same idea as us." 

Suddenly, the wind began to pick up, and Chisato's scarf began to blow away from her. 

"Oh no! My scarf!" 

I had to act fast, so I darted over to grab her scarf before it went too far. Then I went back to Chisato and held up her scarf with a smile on my face. 

"I believe you lost this." I said. 

Chisato smiled at me. 

"Thanks, my love." She said. "That scarf is important to me, so it would break my heart if I lost it." 

"Then it's a good thing I got it back for you." 

I wrapped the scarf around Chisato's neck. She smiled at me more as she placed her arms around me. From there, she kissed me, and I kissed her back. The two of us shared a wonderful in the park. There might've been some people watching us, but it didn't matter, as long as we were happy and in love, that's all I care about. 

After kissing for a while, Chisato broke it off, and said something I didn't expect to hear. 

"(Y/N)-kun... I think I'm ready." 

I blinked in confusion. 

"Ready? Ready for what?" 

"I'm ready for us to move in together." She said. 

"Oh, ok." I said before I realized what she just said. 

"Wait, what?!" 

To be continued 

A/N: We're almost there, everyone. Got a few more chapters left to go.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

Shout-out to Madison096944 and Shelby552077 for becoming recent followers.

BanG Dream: An Actress In Love [Shirasagi Chisato x Male Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang