Chapter 39 "The Mysterious Monk"

Start from the beginning

Y/N: She?

Tao: She calls you her Son isn't she? yet your not related.

Y/N: Fereya! My mother sends you!?

Tao: Yes she wants you to be stronger in order for you to control your other part.

Y/N: My other part... You mean the.

Tao: Dragon, Correct.

Y/N: But the Dragon! Is a Monster inside me! It wants to kill my friends! How is that my self! I don't want to control that thing I want to get rid of it!

Tao: Because your strength both spiritually and Physically are not strong enough to wield it. 

Y/N: What?

Tao: The Dragon want's to serve his purpose and become one with its body and yet it cannot because you lack the strength to wield ending it up like a mindless beast. It did happen yes?

Y/N: Yes... Four times actually. But every time I'm in his plane he just stares at me with rage?

Tao: As I said the Dragon is your other self. Both of you share the Emotions and you transform because in rage. You only get to be released if your stronger than him. Merging with him in your current state only brings the Soulless body. Your lucky because you can get out of that state.

Y/N: Then why did he attack me! In the swamp!? If he is me and want's to merge!

Tao: Because the Dragon found a way to Train you himself. In order to be strong sometimes you need to fight the monster inside you. The dragon wants you to be stronger and he did a pretty good job. Didn't he?

Y/N: But how!? How did I have this thing inside me.

Tao: You tell me young One.

Y/N: [Long pause.] I think, back when my mother passed away... She did something as she touched my forehead... That's the only possible explanation I can give.

Tao: Then she awakened your power inside you then... Have I answered all of your questions?

Y/N: I think you did Thank you.

Tao: [Nod.] Now let's get inside we've wasted much time to train.

Y/N: Oh sorry one last question! Where exactly are we?

Tao: This island where the former Dai Li's were being trained. This island bring the challenge for a Dai li to be strong. The beasts the mountain itself and inside of the temple where they fight and the winner will be sent to Basing se as it's protector and the loser will stay and start over.

Y/N: Oh perfect place it is. No wonder the Dai Li's are crazy strong.

Tao: Not as strong were in kyoshi's time. The Dai Li's today forgotten their old ways. I wouldn't blame them many lives has been wasted.

You and Tao enters the Temple and there was a way down being light by the holes in the mountains because of the moon.

Y/N: Is this the part where you're going to Help me control the Dragon.

Tao: No [Sits on a flat rock.] You see the iron walls over there. [Points.] I want you to carry one and destroy them all one by one using your Ryou.

Y/N: Sounds easy enough.

Tao: From the inside.

Y/N: From the inside?

Tao: Your former teacher only teaches you the basic form of Ryou where you can't touch the Enemy but still do damage is it not?

Y/N: Yes Admiral Jeong-jeong taught me I thought it was the highest level.

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