You seem like a very fascinating person, Lucian. I'll find out why you took the princess with you. Just give it some time, and I'll destroy everything, including you.

Lucian POV:

As Alex laid out the spread of food, I couldn't help but notice that Bella hadn't taken a single bite. A wave of concern washed over me. Did she not like it? Was there something else she desired?

"What's wrong? Don't you like the food?" I inquired, my voice laced with genuine concern. However, Bella remained silent, lost in her thoughts.

"Bella, I'm asking you something," I pressed, noticing her struggle to form words.

Does mate don't like to talk to us

I don't know, maybe something is bothering her

"Perhaps you don't eat meat?" Alex ventured, casting a questioning glance towards Bella. She nodded hesitantly, a fact she should have mentioned earlier. Without hesitation, I gently lifted her chin, urging her to meet my gaze.

"If there's anything you dislike, you must tell me. But remember, never lie or hide things from me," I told her firmly.

She nodded in agreement, but I urged her to speak, "Don't just nod. You have a lovely voice, use it." I encouraged her, longing to hear her speak more freely. Despite my efforts, Bella often resorted to nods or brief responses, leaving me yearning for more.

I signaled to my one-man through mind link, asking him to bring her some fruits. As he left, I overheard Bella murmuring to herself, "When Lena told me stories about him, she said they even eat humans. Do they eat humans?" Her words were softly spoken, but Alex and I, with our heightened senses, caught every syllable.

As soon as we heard her, Alex burst into laughter himself, drawing her curious gaze upward.

"No, we don't eat humans. Our wolf, however, has a rather voracious appetite for them," I reassured her, wanting to dispel any mistaken notions.

It's frustrating how humans jump to conclusions, even more so when it involves my beloved thinking ill of me.

"I'd like to taste her," my beast murmured, not with any intent to harm, but a different kind of hunger. It was a thought that led my mind down dark paths, imagining all sorts of illicit scenarios.

She's just twenty.

"We will make her understand how—" Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off, unwilling to entertain his darker desires.

Turning back to her, I noticed she had set aside the fruits. "Are you finished?" I inquired.

"You haven't even eaten half of the fruits," I pointed out.

"I'm full. My stomach is small, I can't eat all of this," she replied sweetly. Why did she have to be so adorable? I couldn't help but chuckle at her childish demeanor. After all, she was just a child.

As she narrowed her eyes at me, accusing me of mockery because of her inability to eat, I couldn't help but mentally chuckle at her reaction. "No, why would you feel like that?" I replied, feigning innocence.

"Because you're laughing. It's not appropriate to make fun of people's eating habits," she retorted, pouting. Watching her like this stirred something wild within me, but I held myself back.

Kiss her, you fool, or let me out, my wolf voice clamored eagerly, but I resisted.

Don't do anything stupid; you'll scare her, I said.

Yet, the temptation lingered. Then kiss her. Don't you see how cute she looks? My eyelids fluttered shut as I struggled to regain composure, my breaths heavy with the effort.

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