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(Izuku PoV)

"Hello, Mr. Kurono." I smiled as I got into the car, "Could you take me to Starcare cafe? I have to be to work on time or they'll fire me."

Mr. Kurono turned to look at me, like scanning me over for a second before he turned and started the car. "Of course, Mr. Midoriya." He answered then smiled, "You look nice in that outfit. Green is a great color, maybe that's why you have green for your hair."

I blushed from the compliment. I didn't get a lot of compliments from anyone except when I am in the revealing clothings and dancing on a pole. The change was nice. 

As we began to drive, I shifted to look out the window. 

Everything felt fake. Not real. Too good. Did I really do something to deserve this? 

And Mr. Sero. I have to try, right? To make a relationship with him. With both of them. Maybe he didn't want me to try but one day we could be happy by being soulmates.

And Denki. God Denki needs this. Maybe he didn't tell Sero, but I knew what Denki had been through when he was younger.

His parents not being able to support him because of their constant moving around for a job so he moved in with his grandma. Then his grandmother passed away. So he moved in with his parents because they got a solid city to stay in. I had always been there for him but for awhile he wanted to cut everyone off and try to spend time with his parents. But they were always at work.

Soon he started talking to me more and we spoke about our lives. I always wanted him to know I was here for him. And that meant putting his life before mine. And he did the same for me. We were there for each other. But he was there for me a lot, so now I had to do this. For him.

"So you work even though you live with Sero, you must be a hardworking and dedicated person." Mr. Kurono said.

I looked away from the window, "You are certainly interested about me. What about you? Do you do anything other than drive Mr. Sero and me around all day?" 

He shrugged, "I hang out at a nearby home and do things from my second job."

"Second job?"

"It's nothing important. Just a secretary for a busy man who can't keep up with himself."

I nodded, "I see. I get that. I've worked plenty of jobs. Got to keep the money coming in even if it's not a lot."

"How many jobs do you have?"

"Three jobs." I stated, picking at my nails and my hands shifted in my lap.

"I see, that is a lot of jobs for someone so..."

He trailed off,but I knew what he meant. He meant petite. Many people had said that to me throughout my life. Even my mother told me that I should try to find someone with a lot of money and marry them for their money. I get the money and care and they get to flaunt someone petite and pretty, she would say it was a deal.

She would be so happy if she saw my soulmate was Mr. Sero. And then she'd hear I had three jobs and probably have a cow. She loved me, maybe to much though.


I yawned as I entered the house. Work was longer when I just wanted to go home. And after hours, I finally got off work and home.

But now I needed to get ready for my next job. A quick nap, a shower, and get dressed then I should leave. 

The home was quiet and for a minute I thought I was here alone. Then I remembered a little too late that Denki said it'd just be Sero and I at the home because his work. And I say a little too late because I passed the living room and made eye contact with him.

"Oh, you're back." Sero spoke as he turned to ignore me and looked back at the t.v.

I yawned again, "I'll be leaving to start my next shift in the next hour or so, I'll be out again soon." 

He frowned slightly and looked towards me, "Next shift? Didn't you just get off from hours of work?" 

"I have three jobs."

"Why would you need to spend so much time on a job, especially when I'm paying for the place you live?"

"Because you didn't always help me and I had to take care of myself and other jobs don't pay so high. And I'm not going to use the fact one of my soulmates have money to be a reason to work less. I didn't earn anything." 

Sero was silent for a moment.

"I mean, there is a job at the office that pays enough for you to live comfortably and feel like you've earned it. I guess I could give you that job if you were willing to drop your other jobs. Because it would be a difficult job on its own without more jobs with it."

I looked at him, shocked by the offer. Then I began to feel a spark of hope. This was a chance. He had to care, even a little. This had nothing to do with keeping Denki happy. 

"A-Are you sure? I don't want to be more of a bother to you and you'd literally have to see me at your own work." I pointed out, as if testing the water. 

He shrugged, "You seem like nothing personal goes into your work life. Work as my secretary, deal with meetings, paper work, and all that. Then you can come home and pretend that we are still soulmates who are doing this for Denki again."

I thought for a moment but the answer was obvious. 

"Yes..." "I'll give it a chance."

Sero X Denki X Deku (Soulmate AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon