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(Izuku POV)

It was dark and the room was small. A singular light was on, and on him, and he realized his outfit was one he wished he never even saw let alone put on.

He thought he quit his job. So why would he be in this room, with a man he didn't want to be with? 

And a dark voice spoke to him. "Your soulmates don't want you. No one does. Except me. And now that you are here, we can be together forever. Because being someone's soulmate means nothing."

"No, no, Denki loves me! And Sero will! They want me, they..."




I gasped and looked around the empty room. Not only was it empty, but it was only a reminder that my dream could be real. 

Looking at the clock, I realized I had enough time to make breakfast for everyone then head off to work. That was the small gestures that could show my appreciation to sero and denki. 

I  slid out of bed and made my way down stairs until I got to the kitchen. All the things needed for breakfast were there. I started on breakfast.

The first down was Denki. He yawned, looked up, saw me, and smiled. "Good morning Izuku. How was your sleep?"

"It was...a little rough I'll admit. But only because I'm not used to the new room, you know. I always do this, I did the same when I moved away from my mothers house and into my apartment. I'll get used to it soon." I lied. The truth was that I knew it wasn't a new home. 

It was because of the nightmares. And they never go away. And I never get used to them.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I asked Denki. 

"Yes, that sounds so good right now. I'm starving!" He exclaimed, making me chuckle. Then the dread in my stomach set as Sero walked in. His hair put into a ponytail, wearing a suit, and he looked ready for everything. He looks expensive in everything. "Good morning Sero."

"Morning." He mumbled to Denki. I just happened to look away right when Sero pecked Denki on the cheek. I wasn't jealous, I was just aware that there was love there that I wasn't apart of. With my soulmates.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I asked him, making sure to smile, to cover the sadness. 

"No, thank you. I have to get to work." Sero responded, standing near Denki and looking over at me like I was a maid. Maybe cooking was a bad idea. 

I knew business men always were stressed and forgot to take breaks to eat so I knew that maybe to go food would be fine. "How about I pack you to go food. That way you can eat it later and not have to pay for any food."

"No, it's fine." He said blankly before moving away towards the front door. That left Denki and me alone. I finished his food and gave it to him.

"I'm sorry about him." Denki muttered, taking a bite of the food.

I shrugged, "it's fine Denki. Can't expect him to be happy about all this on the first day." I paused to think if I wanted food. I didn't. "Do you have work today?"

"Yeah but it's in the afternoon so youll be alone here with Sero, right?"

"Maybe between shifts. I have a job to get too at the cafe in an hour, then after that I can come home for about an hour and a half then go to my second job at the ice cream shop, then work as a helper at the clothing store until midnight." I went over my schedule.

Denki frowned, swallowing. "That seems like a lot of hours, and a lot of jobs. When do you sleep?"

"I'll work everything together, it's fine." I ignored the concern. I was fine. And throwing myself into my work was going to help. I was sure. 

"I'm worried that you aren't seeing how bad this schedule is. You know that you don't have to stress yourself so much."

I nodded. 

"I'm fine, Denki." I muttered. "But I have work, so I have to go. Goodbye Denki. I love you."

"I love you too."

Sero X Denki X Deku (Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now