
Daddy's expression was impassive.

"I see." He glance at Jisoo and Taeyhung who was trying to pick the nonexistent lock on my office door.

"I'll be there. Thank you."

Daddy ends the call and took a deep breath.
He stood up and said "Cancel your appointments Jen. We need to do some damage control."

"Damage control?" I ask.

Daddy shooks his head. That means don't ask. He turns and I suspect he glares at my two brothers because they both squeak in fright.
I open the door and to my astonishment, our father effortlessly drag Jisoo and Taeyhung through their back collar all the way out of the building.

Hanbin and I just follow at the back. We did not even attempt to make a sound because our father might change his mind and decided to drag all four of us outside.

Of course we use our secret hallway so no one will see us, because it would be embarassing if our employees sees a 6 foot 2 and6 foot 4 adult being dragged by their father all over the building like they weigh nothing.

The MIB stand in attention when they saw us approaching our private garage.
Dad dropped my brothers and sister on the floor.

"Get inside the car before I yeet you both inside myself"

Taeyhung and Jisoo immediately stood up and run towards the car.

No one speaks a word.

We arrive at Columbia and the MIB parked in front of the gym.

My father and I went out first. As soon as the students saw us, they all started to murmur.
With our looks and wealth, we attaract unnecessary attention.

Sorry, precious already owns me body and soul.

For godsakes, some of them even winked at dad.


I heard my 3 sibling following us.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Gym." Daddy answered.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why? As far as | know, Jisoo and Taeyhung doesn't play any sports."

"You'll see."

From afar I can see our MIB's in charge of Jisoo and Taeyhung standing outside the gym's door with some school officials.

As we approach, the officials of the university stood up straight and pretends that they are not afraid to the man beside me.

I snorts. It's not like we are gonna kill them.
Well if the mood strikes then it will be a different story.

"Mr. Kim." The two of them greets us.
Instead of greeting back, my father just said" Show me!"

The MIB simultaneously opened the gym door and what I saw was surprising but at the same time hilarious.

The whole gym was covered with a rainbow fucking colored foam!

From floor to ceiling.

The MIB hurriedly close the door because the foam was still not done, can I say multiplying?
I look at the two culprit behind me but their both looking down. I can see their shoulders shaking.

If our father saw them laughing they will really get whoop.

Hanbin was staring at dumb and dumber wide eyed.

"How did you even do that?"

Jisoo shrugged her shoulder.

"Tons of Peroxide, dish shoap and food coloring."

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