That snake. She started a rumor about me and people believe it. It angered me a lot but I didnt say anything. I texted and asked my Manager what I should do and he said best thing is to just ignore it and if it gets too big then the company will release a statement saying none of it is true.

So I'm just supposed to endure the hate until it gets to be too much? Wonderful. I've been getting a lot of negative thoughts because of it and I dont know how to handle it.

I dont know how to ignore them. So I dont. There was now wounds all over my arm. Some fresher than others. I'm so scared of someone finding out and my company is going to notice notice.

A lot of female stage outfits have short sleeves. I'm going have to ask for a long ballroom type glove. They are going to scold me and beraid me for it.

It made me scared I keep having to washing my clothes so much because I dont have many long sleeves so now I have to go shopping for more. I put on a hoodie and jeans, then slip my shoes on.

I grab my bad with my stuff in it then put my phone in. I wasnt going to tell anyone I'm leaving because then they'd come with. When I exited my dorm, I shut the door as quit as possible.

Just as it was almost closed, someone spoke loudly from behind me. "Are you alright?" A lady said. I jumped and accidentally slammed the door. I spun around to face the same middle aged lady I had seen a while ago.

She looked confused and almost concerned. I nodded and smiled awkwardly. "If you say so but if you need me, my apartment number is **** just down the hall." She offered, smiling and then walking down to her apartment.

I heard footsteps beginning to approach my members door so I booked it down the hall and was at the elevator in seconds. I smashed the down button and shuffled in place uncomfortably.

I heard their door open and was just preparing for one of them to come jogging down the damn hall after me. I looked over to see who it was. Jay was peeking out their door.

"Jeongmi, if you're going on a walk then dont get lost please." Was all he said before shutting the door again. Then the elevator opened. I got in and went down.

Once I was outside I took a long breath. I felt free. I smiled and began walking to the closest clothing store which was a good thirty minute walk. If I'm honest, I'm a little scared about being alone.

It was a cloudy day and I could feel the heavy air running through my nostrils. Only ten minutes into my walk did someone walk up beside me and gently tap my shoulder.

I immediately turned my head to them. It was a girl who looked to be about 15. I bowed politely and so did she. "I hate to bother you but arent you Han Jeongmi?" She asked.

I nodded with a calm smile. "I've been a fan since I-land, though I wanted to know if those rumors are true..?" She asked, suddenly seeming a bit uneasy. I shook my head with my smile turning into a frown.

"I had a feeling they were a lie. Dont let it affect you too much. Anyways, goodbye." She encouraged and left in a blink of the eye. I was somewhat dumbfounded. That was so random.

At least someone believes it isnt true. I continued my walk with my head down, trying to keep from anyone noticing me. It pretty much worked. I made it to the clothing store soon and I began looking around quickly.

I'm a bit indecisive but it took a minimal hour to find a good amount of long sleeves and even some new pants/shorts. Then I got carried away and also got jackets and and a few accessories.

I personally like the Y2k kind of thing so most it looked like that. Nothing super showing though since I'm still an idol, sadly. I spent a lot of money, way more than I intended.

I really need to be more strict with myself financially. Now I probably dont have much money left. Though I'm probably going to get a paycheck soon so I shouldnt stress myself too much.

I grabbed all my bags and began to journey back to my dorm. The bags were already heavy so this was going to suck. I was fifteen minutes into the walk before there was a tap on my shoulder.

I turned to look behind me and I see Dongyul. I thought he'd be back in Jeju. "Need any help?" He asked. I nodded pitifully and handed him a half the bags. He took them kindly and we began to walk again.

"Guess what? I'm moving to Seoul! Me and my boyfriend agreed to be roommates and split bills for an apartment! Isnt that cool?" He asked, his eyes sparkling. I nodded and giggled.

I loved how high-spirited he was. "I hope you've been doing good lately too. I know we arent that close but I've always noticed you've been pretty sad." He admitted. I lessened my smile, slightly lowering my head.

"I'm sorry I didnt mean to bring it up. Anyways, I hope Seoul wont be hard to adjust to. Luckily I've already found a better job than that convenience store." Dongyul was quick to change topics.

He talked on for the rest of the way back to my dorm. Once we got inside my house. I directed him to just set everything down infront of my dresser.

He did so and took a deep breath. "Its been really nice to see you again Jeongmi. I'm glad that I ran into you again. Keep your head high ok?" He said, still keeping his bright smile.

I nodded. Then someone knocked on my door. I jogged over and opened it to meet Heeseung's eyes. He pushed himself inside and made eye contact with Dongyul immediately.

"Oh hey. You're one of Jeongmi's bandmates right? I'm Dongyul." He introduced himself and bowed politely. "I remember you. I'm Heeseung." Heeseung bowed back but he was talking in monotone.

It came off as a bit rude so I nudged his arm with furrowed brows. Heeseung ignored me. "I dont really like being confrontational but I dont exactly appreciate the attitude coming from a junior." Dongyul had a brow raised now.

"Sorry but I dont know how I feel about a 26 year old being around a 20 year old. Especially since you guys met when she was still only 19." Heeseung argued. Dongyul scoffed.

"Please. You dont have to worry about me taking 'your girl'. I'm in a relationship." Dongyul started trying to calm the tense feeling in the air. "Does your partner know that you're talking to someone so young?" Heeseung asked.

I nudged Heeseung's arm again, trying to get him to stop but he pushed my arm off him. "Personally I'm getting concerned about your attitude towards her." Dongyul responded, getting frustrated.

"Firstly, stop avoiding my question. Secondly, dont be concerned about our relationship." Heeseung snapped back. Dongyul held back a chuckle. "I could say the same to you sir. Try not to contradict yourself if you're going to argue." Dongyul replied with clenched teeth.

Heeseung seemed to get even more heated, fist clenched. To keep him from saying or doing anything else, I hit his arm. He snapped his head towards me. Then I pushed his chest, trying to get him to knock it off.

"Jeongmi stop it." He hissed quietly. I pointed at him and mimicked for him to zip his mouth shut. He rolled his eyes but listened. I turned back to Dongyul and kept bowing. I felt so bad.

"Dont worry about it. I'll see you later Jeongmi." He got his usual smile back then left without another word. I turned back to Heeseung, face probably red from my blood boiling.

"What? You shouldnt be hanging out with someone that much older than you." Heeseung scolded, glaring down at me. I swear I could feel steam come out of my ears. I pushed his chest again and spun around, stomping over to my dresser.

I sat on the steps leading to my bed and just began to unpack all my bags. "Dont get so angry when I say that. You know I'm right." Heeseung continued, walking up beside me.

I motioned for him to go away since he was only making it worse. "Why should I go away?" He asked, leaning down to my height and his face getting close to mine.

I whined and felt frustration taking over, as I began to just snatch stuff out the bags and basically throw it to the side before putting it in the dresser.

Heeseung laughed. He laughed. What was so funny to him? Ruining my friendships? Super funny.

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