6. Sorry

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September 20th, 2020

Me and Heeseung stared into one anothers eyes for a good few seconds before he left out a huff of breath, looking down at my hands that still gripped the fabric of his cotton hoodie.

"Look. I dont want to be that harsh with you but you are drunk and need to go to sleep. We can talk when you wake up." Heeseung asserted oddly calm. "He's right Jeongmi." Jay said, trying to gently pull me away from Heeseung.

I frowned, the anger in my eyes softened and was replaced by a understanding look. Heeseung looked back up at me, waiting for me to respond is some kind of way. I let go of him and backed away shyly.

I suddenly felt awake. I bowed and looked down at my feet as if being scolded. Heeseung leaned off the wall and without another word he left. Jay sighed once again.

"Did you take any hangover relief?" He asked politely. I shook my head and looked up at him. He frowned. He pat my shoulder and brought me over to the stairs leading to my bed.

"Head to sleep ok?" He spoke rather quietly. I nodded and climbed up quickly, snuggling into the covers. Jay went and turned the TV off before leaving. I sighed.

I'm a horrible person. However, other people were also horrible. So can you really blame me? Besides such, I fell asleep pretty fast. My lovely dreamland.

September 21st, 2020

I woke up to knocking on my door. The moment I opened my eyes my head was pounding furiously. I groaned and hopped down the stairs. More knocks sounded from my door as I quickly fixed my hair.

After fixing my hair I ran over to the door and I swung open the door. I met eyes with Heeseung. I gulped and hesitantly let him in. Oddly enough I remember just about everything from yesterday.

I rubbed my head as I shut the door. My head pounding tremendously. Heeseung walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter, staring at me. I kept my head low, standing infront of him.

"Since you wanted another apology, a better one that is, then I'll give it to you." he began, "Jeongmi. I apologize for being rude." When he finished I looked back up at him.

He was already looking at me, our gazes meeting. He raised a brow. I nodded. Then I felt light-headed. Why now? I took a few steps back and leaned against the island.

Heeseung stood up straight his piercing cold gaze burning through me. "Drink water, you need it alright? I have things to go do." Heeseung said, walking out of my dorm pretty quick.

I huffed and moved to the fridge, grabbing a water. I cracked it open and took a few sips. I sat on the floor, as my skull ached. My nose scrunched in pain. God I hate having a hangover. I felt sick too.

Then I suddenly felt like throwing up. I grabbed my water and ran to the bathroom. I sat infront if the toilet waiting to see if I was going to throw up. I really didnt want to.

I heard my phone buzzing from the living room. I ran as quick as I could, grabbed it, and then ran back infront of the toilet just in case. It was Haena again. After her last text I had just left her on read. She was asking to see me.

I didnt know if I was ready to face her. Not like this. I have to go to Jeju-do tomorrow. I dont need to be distracted more than I already am. I left her on read. Now I didnt feel so sick.

I slowly drank a few sips of water. I got up and went to the kitchen to find some food. I grabbed a cup ramen and made it with ease. I'm a quick eater and chowed down the ramen fast.

Time felt slow. I felt so alone. I was alone all day and all night until the sun rose to shine upon the grass.

September 22nd, 2020

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