7. Silence

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September 22nd, 2020

It's been a hours. We've been to the beach, gone to do go karts. I'm tired yet I'm not. We've eaten too. My shoulders were stiff the whole time we ate. I hate eating around people.

Everytime I took a bite, I either covered my face or turned around. I dont think none of them noticed. Either way it was nighttime now. Tomorrow we have shoots to do for our album.

But I still want a small drink and a walk on the beach. Not much though of course. We all got back to the hotel and I leaped into my room. I changed into some simple jean's with a large hoodie. Simple enough for a small walk on the beach.

I grabbed my phone and my wallet then slipped on my shoes. I poked my head out of my hotel and saw nobody in the halls. I could hear all kinds of chatter from the members rooms.

But it was all coming from one room. I went out of my room, creeping up on the room I heard it coming from. They were all in Sunoo, Niki and Heeseung's room. I quietly stepped closer to the door, and jumped hearing my own door close pretty loud.

I didnt mean to swing it open as much as I did, if I hadn't it wouldnt have closed so loud. I heard them go a bit quiet. The moment I heard them get quiet I spun around and began to walk.

I as I continued to walk I heard their door crack open. I kept my head down and walked to the elevator quickly. Most things were in walking distance around the hotel. Including a bar.

Yet I dont feel like going around people so to the convenience store it is. I could see it just down the street so I began to trek to the store. The night sky looked beautiful.

The stars glimmered beautifully. I'm jealous of those stars. I sighed, wanting to not think about something like that right now. I abruptly felt like I was being watched. It's probably nothing.

It could be just an animal. I was nearing the convenience store and I for some reason was feeling nervous. I'm not sure why though. I made it in and bought a bottle of soju.

I'm too afraid to really buy something else alchohol wise so I think I'm going to stick with soju for a while. I bought it and left the store quickly. I took out the bottle and threw the bag away in the trash.

I opened the bottle with a bit of struggle but still, I opened it. I began walking toward the ocean. I took two big gulps of the soju, my nose scrunching at the taste. I felt and heard my phone buzz but I ignored it.

I liked having some time alone without answering to any message. As I kept walking, I kept taking gulps of the soju until only half was left but...I still felt like I was being watched.

Was I being followed? I didnt hear anyone. I think I'm just scaring myself. I drank more. Everything was getting darker. My walking began to get a little off balance as the alchohol affects began to take over.

Suddenly I thirsted for more. I chugged a few gulps as I neared the beach. Only about 1/3 of the bottle was left. My walking was uncoordinated and wobbly.

Just as I got to the sand, I drank the last bit of soju. I threw the bottle away in the trash and took my shoes and socks off. I put my socks in my shoes and carried them as I walked along the beach.

The waves crashing against the sand made me feel at peace. The sand sticking on my feet felt odd but I liked it. God I loved the beach. The salty smell and beauty of the blue stubbornness.

I suddenly decided to sit down. I plopped onto the sand, not caring about getting it all over my clothes. My eyes were heavy and everything was dim. It was already dark so I couldnt see much besides the moon and stars.

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