27. Dreamland

782 28 0

December 27th, 2020

Jay and Sunoo walked past me and to the couch, setting the gifts on the table. I looked back to seeing Heeseung standing behind the couch, his eyes glued to me.

I released a heavy breath and looked away from him, shutting the door and stepping over to the couch as well. "Sit and open your gifts!" Sunoo exclaimed happily. I smiled and sat down between him and Jay, Heeseung standing behind me.

Jay handed me a medium sized bag. I took a small breath and opened it slowly. I was slightly stressed for some reason, knowing that I have at least four more to open. Anyway, I pulled out another jewelry box, and a medium-sized box that didnt have a label on it.

I opened the jewellery first. It was a beautiful pearl bracelet. I hope it wasnt real pearl but considering the way it looked and felt, it must have been. That meant it was expensive. I nearly squealed of excitement and slipped it on my arm immediately.

Then I moved to the box. I pulled the ribbon off and unwrapped it. It was my favorite chocolates. I havent had them since I-land. How did Jay know? I hugged him tightly.

He giggled and said, "I saw you liked them on I-land so I figured you'd enjoy some." A smile widened on his face. I popped open the chocolates and ate one, kicking my feet in joy. "I think she enjoys the chocolate more than the pearls." Sunoo teased.

I nudged his arm and then reached for to grab another bag. I placed the chocolates on the table and got ready to open the new bag, it was from Sunoo. It was a rather large one. I took out the wrapping paper to reveal a giant adorable plushie.

It was the most adorable duck from a brand called Pueenod according to its tag. It was soft, and so cute. I decided to name it Ori which simply means duck. I mean...it is a duck. I was in love with it and cuddled it.

"I saw that you liked plushies so I thought you could use another." Sunoo explained, his casual gleeful smile was still shining. I nodded and pecked Ori on the head, then set it on Sunoo so I could open the other presents.

There was another large one so I chose it, just to get it out the way. Large presents made me nervous. It ended up being a Nintendo switch with multiple games like Pokemon, Mario, etc.

It was from Jay if you couldnt guess. Though I've always wanted one, mainly because I like Pokemon. I got up and set it up by the TV so it could charge, then I went back to my spot on the couch.

I've nearly forgotten Heeseung was in here until I looked up at him but I of course broke eye contact. There were only two left. One more from Jay and another from Sunoo. I went with Sunoo's.

It was some amazing smelling perfume and beautiful sunglasses. I tried them on and acted all silly, trying to make them laugh. It worked. I smiled to myself and took them off, hugging Sunoo. Then I grabbed Jay's.

It wasnt too big of a bag. I happily took out the tissue paper and nearly gasped seeing it was a bag from Prada. Fucks sake Jay. It wasnt too big of one but it was a gorgeous bag.

I nearly shit myself seeing the price tag that was attached to its side. It was their leather shoulder bag in black. If you didnt know, those are at least $3,300.

Jay just loves to spoil people huh? I hugged him for a long moment, almost crying into his shoulder but I held myself back. "Wow Jay I didnt know you would go this far." Sunoo spoke like he's never seen anything more expensive.

I finally let go of Jay and took deep breaths, trying to keep my composure. "You alright?" Heeseung asked, putting his hands on my shoulders and messaging them. I nodded, trying to not pay attention to his hands that rubbed and squeezed my shoulders.

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