23. Glass

822 31 30

December 5th, 2020

I've been away for a while. By that I mean taking a break for a while. We've been doing so many shows that have worn me and the others out a lot.

Now we are on a small break until we start with our next comeback. A break...well I know that that means. I was hanging out in my dorm alone as usual. It was midday so I got up and hopped over to my fridge.

I grabbed out the vodka. There wasnt much left. I downed it swiftly. I looked at my other options. Another bottle of vodka, jack daniels, and a red wine. I decided on the wine. I pulled it out and grabbed a glass cup.

It wasnt a wine glass but a cup. I steadily walked over to the couch and sat down. I struggled for god knows how long trying to pop the bottle open and I eventually got it. I poured a little more than half a cup and chugged it down.

I patiently waited for the effects to set in and once they did I wasnt satisfied. I began to just chug the bottle. I wanted to be drunk to the point I was throwing up everywhere. I want to be messed up so I dont have to feel anything.

Before I knew it there was no liquids left contained inside the bottle. I frowned but still let the alchohol seep in. My vision got all dark and wavy. I could hardly think straight. I forced myself to stand up.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the jack daniels. I ripped the top off and took a large gulp from it. I heaved and sat on the ground with the bottle tightly gripped in my hands.

I kept sipping on it, close to blacking out from how drunk I was. I couldnt see anything straight. I began to feel sick. I let go of the bottle, it tipping over and spilling. I crawled slowly to the unlit bathroom. It felt like forever before I reached the toilet.

I began to vomit pretty harshly in the darkness of my own bathroom. It only made me more dizzy and pale. My whole body began to tremble. I suddenly got really hot as if it was summertime in my dorm.

That only made me throw up more. Before I knew it I was crying. Oddly enough, the crying distracted me from vomiting but only for a short while. I threw up a few more times before I finally stopped.

I kept crying though. I flushed the toilet and began to crawl back out of the bathroom. I crawled threw the spilt alcohol to my phone and opened Jay's contact. I texted him.

Jay pls com e ovre i aam reallly mesd up.

Jeongmi what happened? Are you alright?

Noo iem noot..

I'm coming hun dont worry.

Within seconds my door was swung open. Jay, Sunoo and Heeseung came running to me immediately. I was covered in tears and alchohol. Sunoo got to me first and immediately sat me up while Jay began to clean the spilt alcohol.

"Jeongmi what happened?" Sunoo asked frantically, fear coating his voice. I only hugged him, trying to contain my tears. "I knew she was going to do some stupid shit like this! Why don't you listen Jeongmi?!" Heeseung snapped angrily.

His voice scared me so I only held onto Sunoo tighter. "Heeseung stop it. Seriously you need to just drop it right now. We need to care for her first." Sunoo scolded, rubbing my back.

"No! I'm sick of dealing with this after constantly telling her to stop!" Heeseung argued. "If you dont want to deal with it then get out!" Jay yelled, his face turning red with anger.

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