Chapter 25 - communication 

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"Your asking me to let your people go to polis to make amends with the commander and become the 13th clan" Roan verified.
"So we can both have peace" Clarke replied.
"And if they don't accept the coalition" Roan questioned.

Roan wasn't a gullible person. His people always came first before anyone, he was a good leader. Clarke actually looked up to him sometimes.

"Leave that part up to us" Clarke said looking at Octavia.
Roan didn't say anything, he was hesitant to let her people go to polis.
"Roan, war doesn't lead to us having peace, it leads with everyone dead" Clarke said trying to convince him.

Roan looked up at Clarke with his arms crossed.
"Talk to your people" Roan said in a husky voice.
Clarke nodded her head.
"Finally!" Octavia said while walking out.
As Clarke turned toward the door Roan stopped her.

"Clarke" Roan said as he grabbed her hand gently
Clarke turned around.
"What's up with you and echo" Roan asked still touching her hand softly.
Clarke gave Roan a confused expression.
"Nothing, we're fine" Clarke said numb trying to walk away.

As Clarke turned around Roan grabbed her upper arm roughly turning her toward him.
"If you two are "fine" then why were you trying to make her jealous?" Roan asked again in a lower and deeper voice.

"Jealous?" Clarke replied confused.
Clarke did indeed try to make echo jealous but she was worried if Roan knew it would cause an argument between them.
"I'm not stupid Clarke" Roan responded.

"Well there is nothing going on between us so stop worrying" Clarke said as she pushed his hands off of her.
But before she could turn away Roan grabbed her around her waist pulling her into his chest forcing eye contact.

"You said I was your partner, didn't you?" Roan said under his breath while leaning in.
Clarke looked up at him, not knowing what to say while eye contact became more intense.
"That was only so I could talk to you in private, nothing personal" Clarke replied quietly.

Roan gave her a cold look before pushing her away roughly.
"You need to work on your lying" Roan said.
"Go talk to your people" Roan said turning away from her.

Clarke looked at him for a moment before walking out of his chambers closing his tall doors behind her leaning against them, stressed. That's when she heard yelling across the halls. Clarke followed toward the arguing and to her surprise it was Abby and Octavia having a "disagreement"

"Becoming the 13th clan, are you crazy?!" Abby yelled at Octavia.
"To protect our people from getting slaughtered by a grounder army? yes!" Octavia argued.
"A azgeda army" Bellamy jumped in.

"Look, we don't have to come to terms with
Azgeda but with the commander's coalition" Octavia said a little desperate.
"No way I'm going to accept the terms of Lexa's coalition that got my daughter kidnapped!" Abby cried out pulling on her chains"

"I wasn't kidnapped" Clarke said walking in.
Abby, Kane and Bellamy looked up.
"Clarke!" Abby said with relief.
"Octavia's right, we need to accept the terms of the commander's coalition" Clarke said looking toward Octavia.

"No Clarke! The commander gave you up to azgeda! They could kill you" Abby yelled.
"Actually I came here on my own" Clarke replied.
"Your saving yourself, not us" Bellamy said.
"I'm saving us all Bellamy" Clarke said walking towards Bellamy.

"Then tell the king to get these chains off" Bellamy hissed raising his wrists.
"Not unless you accept the coalition" Clarke responded.
Bellamy put his hands down, pacing in the cell.

"Kane, you know this is the only way to have peace between azgeda and the commander" Clarke begged waiting for an answer.
"You know that peace is my one goal on the ground but Clarke, you've heard how horrible the ice nation was to Lexa and her alliance" Kane replied.

"That was when queen nia ruled, not Roan" Clarke replied confidently.
"Roan was her son, what makes you think he won't follow in her footsteps?" Bellamy said.
"He hated his mother bell" Clarke defended him.
"And of course you know that" Bellamy hissed.
"Roan is my friend, so of course I know that" Clarke argued.

"You sound more and more like the enemy" Abby whispered.
Clarke turned her attention to her mother.
"Roan isn't the enemy mom, you are" Clarke hissed, upset.
Clarke gave her mother a cold hearted stare before leaving the cell.

"Clarke wait!" Octavia cried out.
Octavia looked back at Abby and the others.
"Out of all people I would think you'd understand your daughter's situation" Octavia told before walking out to find Clarke.

Clarke left the cell upset with her mother, And Bellamy! She was just trying to save her people. Clarke stood in the middle of the hall, tears building up, ready to pour.

Roan was walking down the hall as he saw Clarke standing there, upset. Roan looked around and saw that she had came out of the cell that held her people.

Roan then walked up towards Clarke.
"Clarke" Roan whispered softly.
Clarke turned around quickly, she didn't say anything but looked up at him with a fake smile. Roan knew that her people meant a lot to her but his did too. Roan hesitated before pulling her into a tight hug.

Clarke let herself feel as she cried in his arms.
Roan didn't say anything, he just let her cry while closing his eyes. The hug lasted for a moment before Clarke pulled away.

"You can go to war on them Roan, I'm done trying to stop you" Clarke said with tears streaming down her cheeks.
Roan stayed quiet, he wasn't quite the "therapist" friend she needed right now.

Clarke wiped her tears.
"Uh, it's getting late so I'll see you in the morning Roan" Clarke sniffled as she left Roan.
Yet he found himself alone again.

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