Chapter 16 - why

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As soon as Clarke saw Roan and costia about to "kiss" Clarke didn't know what to think in that moment. She had ran off into her chambers. It wasn't a surprise that Clarke had gotten caught over thinking once again. And I thought costia was lesbian. Clarke thought to herself. Then it rang a bell. Does Lexa know about this? Clarke said to herself.

Clarke ran out of her Chambers. Upset, confused and with Questions yet un-answered. As Clarke opened the doors to Lexa's throne room nobody was there. Nightfall had hit. Everyone had most likely gone to sleep by now. So Clarke had to wait until the morning.

(Fast forward till morning)

Clarke had woken up to the early morning sun straight into her face. Even though Clarke didn't want to get up and out of bed she knew she had too. As Clarke got dressed and walked out of her chambers she ran into Indra. Shouldn't she be in azgeda? Clarke asked herself.

"Wanheda" Indra greeted Clarke.
"Indra, shouldn't you be in Azgada" Clarke said seriously.
"I will be" Indra said before walking off.
Clarke stood in the hall confused. Why would the trikru alliance be in polis? Did something happen? Clarke asked herself. But then Indra had gone towards the doors to lexa's throne room as soon as she had opened the doors Clarke knew right away why Indra was here.

That's when Clarke followed Indra. As Clarke was about to open the doors she hesitated. Maybe she should wait. Clarke had went up against the doors, listening in.

"Your time is up Roan. You are ordered to go to azgeda and lead your people" Indra spoke up.
"Indra is right Roan. I'm afraid you've spent to much time in polis. If you don't go back to azgeda there could be serious consequences" Lexa said looking up at Roan.
Roan stood there. Didn't have anything to say as the room went silent.
"There's something holding you back, what is it Roan" costia said standing up.
That's when all eyes were on Roan. What was holding him back to be a king? To lead his people.

That's when Clarke heard enough. She had  aggressively opened up the tall glass doors. Now all eyes were on "wanheda"
"Excuse Me wanheda but I don't think your needed in this meeting" Indra said quite annoyed with Clarke.
"She can stay" Roan said cutting off Indra.
Clarke looked up at Roan with quite a look. that look right then told costia why Roan held back from leaving polis to go lead his people.

It was Clarke. Clarke held Roan back from leaving. Costia already knew that they loved each other but costia didn't think that even they noticed the love that was there.
"Can I speak to you in private" Clarke said looking at Roan.
Roan nodded as they exited the room.

"Why is Indra taking you back to azgeda" Clarke whispered.
"You were listening?" Roan asked confused.
"Just answer the question Roan" Clarke said.
"Clarke you gotta realize my time is out. I can't stay here" Roan said a little annoyed.
"Who says? Your a king" Clarke said seriously.
"Exactly Clarke. I need to go back to lead my people. Do you think I wanted to go back to azgeda?" Roan said sarcastically.

Clarke looked away from Roan. Why is she caring so much about Roan leaving. It's not like he cared about her anyway. Clarke thought to herself.
"Whatever Roan. Just- (sigh) i have to go" Clarke said as she turned away.
Before Clarke walked away Roan grabbed her hand.

"I'm not leaving yet" Roan said making eye contact with Clarke.
As Clarke stared at Roan for a moment with their hands in each others. Clarke had broken the eye contact letting go as she faded into the dark hallway.

"Just make out already god damn" aden said spying on them around the corner eating hazelnuts.
"Wait aren't they dating already?" madi said behind aden.
"For some odd reason. No" aden said flat.
"Well that's stupid" madi said taking a hazelnut from adens hand.

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