Chapter 19 - may we meet again

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Once Clarke kissed Roan she had felt like the world stopped. Clarke wanted it to last a lifetime. While Clarke was lost in her thoughts they had finally gotten back to polis. As they walked into the tower they had saw Lexa waiting for them not to pleased..

"Where have you two been!" Lexa yelled at them.
Roan had looked over at Clarke. Both speeches.
"Uh we had a-" Clarke was hesitating.
What was she supposed to say? "Oh sorry Lexa me and Roan were just making out in the forest my bad"
Lexa looked at Clarke waiting for a answer.

"Look if your going to stay here I need to know where you both are at all times. Do you hear me" Lexa demand.
"We weren't gone that long" Clarke said quietly.
"You both were gone for an hour without any context of where of what you both were doing!" Lexa raised her voice before she walked away.
"Clarke was a little shocked. "Damn we made out that long?" Clarke said under her breath.

Roan had then looked at her confused.
Clarke looked back slowly as she remembered what she had said.
"NOTHING! nothing.. I'm just uh, tired" Clarke stuttered as she walked away back to her chambers.

Clarke had stood in the middle of her room. Not knowing what to think. That's when Clarke heard a knock on her door. When Clarke opened up her doors she had saw Roan standing right in-front of her eyes.

"We need to talk" Roan said as he let himself in.
"Did something happen?" Clarke asked confused.
"Yes.. well No. I came to talk about earlier" Roan said hesitantly.
Clarke already knew what this was about. She didn't want to talk about it but it was bound to come up at some point.
"Roan I'm sorry ok. It was a misunderstanding" Clarke said defending herself.
Roan laughed.

"Do you expect me to believe you kissed me in the forest just to kiss me? I'm not a dumbass Clarke" Roan said with a angry look.
Clarke looked away from Roan. What was she going to even say? So many questions unanswered.

"Could we not talk about this" Clarke said before she got cut off by Roan.
"No. No we are going to talk about this now" Roan said in an angry tone while walking closer toward Clarke pinning her against the wall.
Clarke looked at Roan shocked. As Roan checked out Clarke before talking to her.
"Clarke. I don't wanna hear that it was a mistake. Now tell me why?" Roan asked looking toward Clarke.

"Isn't obvious Roan? I kissed you in the forest because I love you" Clarke said quietly.
Roan's eyes widened.
"That's not what I meant" Roan said slowly under his breath.
Clarke chuckled as she looked away.
"Then what? What do you mean" Clarke said a little angrier then before.
Roan tried to avoid eye contact but his eyes kept wondering to her. Roan had then slammed the wall as he stepped back from Clarke.

Clarke looked at him numb but nervous. Roan paced around the room. Trying to stay calm. The truth was that Clarke made him crazy.
"Roan" Clarke whispered.
Roan looked over at Clarke as their eyes met.
Clarke just looked up at him, Speechless. As the eye contact continued Roan had broke it as he had walked out of Clarke's chambers. Slamming her doors.

Clarke just stared at the wall where Roan was standing. What just happened? Clarke had asked herself. Roan made her overthink everything, Made her crazy, Even to the point where she thought if she would even die for him. Clarke had then went to sleep with her thoughts.

When the sun had risen Clarke had woken up. This time she woken up a little later then usual. Polis was crazy for whatever reason. After Clarke had gotten ready she had then heard a knock on her door. It was a heavy knock like a desperate knock. Who was it? She asked herself. Once more Clarke had heard an heavy knock like someone was going to break her doors down.

"I'm coming!" Clarke said as she rushed over to the door.
As Clarke opened the tall doors she had saw the one and only Roan.
"Roan this is not the time" Clarke said refusing to make eye contact with Roan.
"When will it be Clarke" Roan said annoyed.
Clarke looked up at Roan.
"Fine, let's talk" Clarke said sarcastically.
Roan walked in sitting on the edge of Clarke's bed looking straight into Clarke's eyes.

"Clarke, I'm leaving tonight" Roan said numb.
Clarke's eyes had widened with still no emotion within her face. That's when Clarke knew why he wanted to talk about this so badly.
"Are you asking me to come with you" Clarke said as she cleaned up her desk.
"Unfortunately your wanheda" Roan replied.
Clarke raised a eyebrow.
"My people would have your head before I could set protection under you" Roan said turning his head to her.

"Hm" Clarke understood.
"Then why are so desperate to talk" Clarke asked.
Roan stayed silent. He didn't want to admit his feelings but he knew he had too.
"Why would you kiss me when you know I was going back to azgeda the next morning" Roan said hesitantly.
Clarke gave him a confused look.
"I'm not following" Clarke tilted her head slightly

Roan had then started to look frustrated.
"You just don't get it" Roan said under his breath.
"What did you say?" Clarke asked as she took a step closer.
Roan had then gotten up as he slammed the table in anger.
"You make me crazy Clarke" Roan whispered.
Clarke stood there, quiet. Roan was intimating.
Roan just stared at Clarke. He didn't know if he wanted to slap her across the face or kiss her passionately.

But as they stared into each others eyes making the tension stronger between them their was a knock on the door breaking the tension.
"Enter" Clarke said as Roan stepped away leaning on her bed not looking at her.
As the doors opened they had seen an azgeda soldier.

"Sire, it's time" the soldier said.
Roan looked up at Clarke for a moment before turning his attention to the soldier.
Roan nodded his head as the soldier stepped out.
"where does this lead us now Roan" Clarke asked a little disappointed.
"It doesn't" Roan answered back.
Clarke tilted her head.
"What dose that mean" Clarke asked confused.
"Clarke, your a drug that needs to stop" Roan said with no emotion in his eyes.

"If I see you in azgeda, you will owe me your head Roan said a little angry as he walk out of Clarke's chambers.

May we meet again Roan.

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