Chapter 12 - the reunion

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Clarke had just left polis. She ran far into the forest far away from the Commanders Tower. It was already dark she knew she had to find a cave or some kind of shelter to lay low for the night. But it needed to be far from polis so lexa's men wouldn't find wanheda.

Clarke had been searching for shelter for hour's she could only assume it was 4 in the morning. Clarke was getting more and more tired with each step she took. She already felt herself passing out as she fell to the ground, she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. Clarke had hit her head on rock as she went into a heavily deep sleep.

Clarke had woke up with an massive headache. As she went to sit up she saw her mother sitting at her bedside. Clarke was in Arcadia. How did I get here? Clarke asked herself. Clarke didn't remember anything that happened before all of this. But she had bandages all over her arms and legs. What had happened when she was unconscious?

Abby looked up at Clarke with a shocking face.
"Clarke! Your okay" Abby said with her voice filled with happiness.
Clarke and her mother hugged tightly.
"What happened, how did I get here to you?" Clarke asked pulling away from her mother's grip.

Abby looked at Clarke with a not such a joyful expression.
"Bellamy found you knocked out in the forest your head was bleeding" Abby said upset.
That's when Clarke remembered why she came to Arcadia. She needed to talk to Bellamy.

"I need to see Bellamy" Clarke said as she got up as she groaned in pain.
"Clarke it's to soon! You need to rest" Abby said worried for Clarke.
"Wait how long have I been asleep?" Clarke asked
"About 12 hours" Abby said to Clarke.
Clarke looked at her mother shocked. She had wasted a day before polis attacked Arcadia.

"Mom I appreciate you letting me sleep but I really need to see Bellamy" Clarke said as she walked out of the tent.
As Clarke opened up the curtains she saw Arcadia. It was way bigger then she had remembered. She didn't really know where she could find Bellamy so she looked around for a few minutes.

Clarke explored for a little bit but then she saw the ark and Clarke knew that Bellamy was there. As Clarke walked to the ark she came across the guard's.
"I need to get in" Clarke said with a serious look.

"Sorry ma'am not without permission from the  Chancellor" one of the guards said blocking the door.
Clarke was confused. Kane didn't care who it was they would come to his office without even knocking.
"She's with me" Bellamy said behind the guards.

The guards noded and let Clarke in. Clarke had followed Bellamy inside the ark. It was quite for a moment until Clarke broke the silence.
"Bellamy" Clarke said as she stoped walking.
Bellamy turned around and looked at Clarke.
Clarke hugged Bellamy. Bellamy hugged her back.

"Thank you for taking care of them" Clarke said to Bellamy as she pulled away from the hug.
"Where were you Clarke. It's been months" Bellamy said looking at Clarke.
Clarke hesitated to respond. 
"Ive been in polis" Clarke said quietly.
Bellamy looked at Clarke shocked.

"Why the hell would you be in polis, You could've just came back to Arcadia with us! With me" Bellamy said upset with Clarke.
Clarke looked back up at Bellamy.
"I didn't have a choice Bellamy" Clarke said not happy with herself.
Bellamy didn't look at Clarke silence filled the room.
"but I met someone" Clarke said with slight joy

Bellamy faced toward Clarke.
"What do you mean by that Clarke" Bellamy said confused.
"I found a friend. He's the one that helped me get to Arcadia" Clarke said making eye contact with Bellamy.
Bellamy was still confused with Clarke. Did she like him? Was he the reason she stayed and not come home to her people. too many questions to answer.

Bellamy only thought of Clarke as a friend, like another sister to him. But he never got along with any of her love interests. To Bellamy it felt like a competition with this "friend"
"Clarke I don't care if you have another friend or a love interest but you will have to choose between your people or him" Bellamy said to Clarke as he walked away.

Clarke watched Bellamy walk away leaving Clarke with a decision that only she could make for herself. And only 3 days to decide.

Stay or leave.

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