Chapter 13 - the choice

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Clarke had stood in the middle of the hallway, with a decision that could ruin a friendship with her best friend Bellamy or Roan. The choice that she had to make was between both of her most loyal friends.

If she did choose to stay in Arcadia, Clarke and lexa would never be at peace again along with Roan. But if she went back to polis with lexa she would lose Bellamy, her mother and her friends. She would be banned from her clan.

The decision was in Clarke's hands now. Who was she going to choose. Clarke would lose a friend regardless, but the question is who would she be willing to lose. Clarke already has to much on her shoulders. She can't make this decision, not yet.

That's when Clarke remembered she had to find out what happened to trikru's army. Clarke had put her feelings aside and went to the Chancellor's office to find Kane. But as Clarke knocked on the metal door a guard had unlocked the Chancellor's door.

The guard had looked at Clarke shocked.
"Wanheda" the guard had said stunned as he amid his gun at Clarke.
"WAIT! She's with me!" Bellamy said pulling the guard back.
The guard had still not put his gun down as he set his finger on the trigger ready to shoot Clarke.

"If she's with Bellamy then she's with us" pike said while walking up behind the guard.
The guard had looked at pike as he put his gun down, as his gaze fell back to Clarke.
"You got lucky this time "wanheda" the guard said as a threat as he walked away.

Clarke had looked up at Bellamy confused. Why did he listen to pike. Where's Kane? Clarke asked herself.
"Please, come in Clarke. Join us" pike said not amused.
Clarke had came in with a threatened look on her face as she walked inside the office looking at Bellamy for just a moment before giving her attention to the other people in the room.

"So Clarke. I see you've been busy since you had left Arcadia" pike said as he leaned over the table.
"Where's Kane" Clarke asked with a serious look while crossing her arms.
Pike had stayed silent as he looked at Bellamy. Clarke had looked over at Bellamy confused. What had happened while she was gone.

"I'll talk to her" Bellamy said while looking over at the door.
Pike nodded his head as Bellamy took Clarke by the hand walking her out of the room.
Once they were out of the office Clarke had let go of Bellamy's hand while Bellamy turned around looking at Clarke.

"What happened Bellamy" Clarke asked with an angry tone.
Bellamy looked up at Clarke silent for a moment.
"Kane lost to the election" Bellamy said with no emotion in his voice.
Clarke had looked up at Bellamy shocked, confused.

Why would Kane lose to the election. Why would pike want to go against Kane to run for Chancellor. Clarke knew that starting a war was a unlikely thing that Kane would do.
"Wait did you agree to this" Clarke said to Bellamy with slight anger.

Bellamy looked up at Clarke saying nothing. telling Clarke that Bellamy wasn't trying to stop this war. He was trying to start one.
Clarke looked at Bellamy with disappointment.
"Please tell me that going to war isn't what you want" Clarke said desperately.

Bellamy gave Clarke a hesitant look.
"We've been at war since. At least pike understands that" Bellamy said quietly.
"Pike is the problem! This isn't who you are" Clarke said upset.
"Your wrong Clarke. This is who I've always been" Bellamy said with no hesitation.

That's when Clarke had realized Bellamy had changed. He changed Bellamy wasn't the same person he was back 4 month's ago when Clarke had left him. But then she thought about it. The grounder attack. The choice Bellamy gave her, Roan's hesitation at the tunnel. It was all an distraction.

Bellamy knew about what would happen to Roan when he had snuck Clarke out of polis. That's why Bellamy gave her a decision to distract Clarke from the man she cared for the most. It was jealousy that made Bellamy different. Jealousy is what changed him. Clarke knew she had to get back to polis.

She needed to save Roan from lexa's execution. "Bellamy I don't know what happened to you. But your right you have changed. Im so sorry if I did this to you. Im sorry if I made you like this. But I can't stay here bell, I can't choose you. I won't choose you!" Clarke yelled at Bellamy.

She was upset with Bellamy she knew that now she had just lost her best friend forever. Clarke gave Bellamy one final look before she ran off to polis to save Roan. She had worried more about Roan then her own people.

"We will meet again Roan"

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