Chapter 8 - The late night talk

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As Clarke walked out of the room leaving Roan to deal with his emotions haunting him inside.
Roan was surprised that Clarke was willing to hear his story and listen throughout all of his insecurities. Who would've thought that the "great wanheda" cared about the man that was willing to kill her to get what he wanted.

But it was starting to get late it was probably time for Roan to go to bed. as he was taking off his shoes he saw a blue cardigan on the table. It was to small for him. Clarke must've left it before she left. As Roan went to her chambers before he knocked he hesitated but Only for a moment.

As he knocked he regretted it as soon as he did. It was probably gonna be awkward. while he Overthinked more then a 100 thoughts at once in such little time and the the door opened.
As Clarke opened the door she had a confused look on her face.

"Roan" Clarke said making eye contact.
"You left this in my room" Roan said to Clarke trying to be confident about it.
"Oh I was looking for this thank you" Clarke said to Roan with a small smile on her face.
As she went to take her cardigan from Roan's hand she saw cuts up on his lower arm. It must've been from the battle.

"How long has your arm been like that" Clarke asked Roan.
"Only 2 - 3 days it really isn't that bad" Roan said not looking at Clarke.
"That's not Healthy for your arm you could get an infection!" Clarke said with a serious look.
"Come on I'll fix that for you" Clarke said to Roan in a calmer tone.

While Roan looked up at Clarke he was glad that there was someone who cared for his health and feelings.
"Sit I'll get my supplies" Clarke said while walking into her chambers.
Roan sat at the end of Clarke's bed waiting for her patiently. Roan was a very inpatient person but he would wait until the world ended for Clarke.

As Clarke came back with bandages and alcohol, Roan looked right up at her lost in his thoughts.
"Have something on your mind" Clarke asked politely.
"No just tired" Roan said to Clarke not making eye contact with her.

Clarke knew that was a lie. whenever Roan doesn't look at her she knew that he has something on his mind.
"Just so you know I won't judge you for whatevers on that "confident" mind of yours"
Clarke said as she smiled.
"Very funny" Roan said sarcastically.

"So what is on your mind?" Clarke asked as she wrapped his hand in wet cloth.
Roan was hesitant to let someone listen to his personal problems, but he felt a feeling of Confort whenever he was with Clarke.
"It's just some old memories of my childhood" Roan said it like it didn't really bothered him.

"What kind of memories Good.. bad?" Clarke asked as she took the wet cloth off Roan's palm
"A little bit of Both but it's nothing you would be interested in" Roan said looking at Clarke.
"Actually I am interested. your pretty secretive" Clarke said while she cleaned his wounds with alcohol.

Roan looked up at her staying silent for just a moment. Clarke was in fact interested in what Roan was doing with his life before she met him. But it really seemed like he didn't want to say his thoughts out loud so Clarke decided not to petty him with questions.

"Ok it looks like you are good to go just don't take the cloth off for another week or too" Clarke said while she finished cleaning his arm and hands.
"Thanks doc" Roan said sarcastically as he stood up.
"Funny" Clarke said as she chuckled.

But Roan was greatful that Clarke did care about him and his health. But before Roan walked out.
"Thank you for caring at the least bit about my arm" Roan said giving Clarke a slight smile before he walked out of her chambers.

The prince of azgeda and the Commander of deathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora