Chapter 23 - different

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Roan was admiring Clarke as she talked to her mom and Kane about making peace with azgeda. God Roan wished for Clarke to be his queen one day, if only she would lead him and his people. He was truly lost in love with that woman. As Roan watched Clarke closely he couldn't help himself.

"Clarke" Roan called.
Clarke turned her attention to him.
"Can I talk to you for a minute" Roan asked standing up straight.
"Uh Yeah sure, wait here" Clarke responded as she told her mother and Kane to wait.
"Alone" Roan said in a strict tone.
Clarke turned around nodding her head telling Her mother to leave them.
As the doors shut Clarke came closer toward Roan.

"What is it?" Clarke asked innocently.
Roan didn't speak, he just admired her presence.
Clarke looked back at him confused.
"Roan?" Clarke said his name quietly while trying to grab his attention.

Roan then grabbed the back of her neck pulling her in to a desperate kiss.
Clarke reacted with shock but soon returned his kiss, both desperate for each other.
Their kiss had gotten intense between them. Clarke then pulled away from the heated kiss grasping for air.
Clarke looked up at him while breathing heavily.
"I love you Roan" Clarke said before kissing him again.

After that Roan woke up, sweating from the dream. He had put his face in his hands. He didn't know what the hell that was but whatever it was he wanted it to last.. NO does he even hear himself right now!? He had looked over out his window, it was still the middle of the night. Roan lied back down, the dreams had gotten worse since Clarke came to azgeda.

Not long after Roan had left polis he had starting having dreams about Clarke, sometimes they were nightmares. But the dreams were never as heated as that one was.. Roan had thought over everything. He tried to go back to sleep but he couldn't. That dream was something he would never forget.

Roan decided he would get up and ready for the morning since he couldn't go back to sleep.
Once Roan was awake he had gone downstairs to see Clarke eating grapes and stew at Roan's dining table.

Clarke jumped.
"Roan, you startled me" Clarke replied.
"Sorry" Roan said sitting at the head of the table.
Roan didn't say anything, it would've been awkward if Roan had a conversation with Clarke after that dream, he just couldn't get it out of his head.

"Roan?" Clarke said.
"Hm!?" Roan lifted up his head.
"You ok? You seem a little shocked" Clarke asked quietly while taking a sip of her stew.
Roan didn't know what to say, of course he was shocked about the dream he had, it was.. never- mind..

"Yeah, I just uh.. thinking" Roan replied.
"Would you like to talk about it?" Clarke asked with a comforting smile across her lips.
Roan looked back up at her after avoiding eye contact with her.

He didn't know what to say, did he really want to talk about that dream with her?
"Hey, I'm not forcing you, I know that some things are better left unspoken" Clarke replied to his silence.

Roan watched deeply into her ocean blue eyes giving her a slight smile. But that's when the horns blew loudly, waking everyone up that was inside of azgeda's walls. Roan stood up as he walked toward the window to see what was happening.

"Sire!" Echo said opening the tall glass doors.
"Echo! Explain, what's happening" Roan demanded.
Echo then noticed Clarke sitting at the end of the table, looking at her with disgust before turning back towards Roan.
"Skykru" Echo replied bitter.
Roan's eyes widened as the prisoners came through the doors with their hands tied behind their back.

Clarke looked over and saw her mother with Kane and Bellamy tied up.
"MOM?!" Clarke wailed.
As Clarke ran toward her mother Roan blocked her from going.
"Let me pass Roan" Clarke said with anger.
"Put skykru in hostage!" Roan commanded.

As the guards took away Abby, Kane and Bellamy one of the guards tried to take Clarke before Roan said something.
"Not her" Roan said intimidating.
The guard looked at Roan like he was crazy for a moment but then he backed away and went with echo and the others.

As the doors shut Roan let Clarke pass.
"What the hell are you doing Roan" Clarke questioned him.
"Holding your people" Roan said as he walked away.
"What are you going to do with them?" Clarke asked nervous.

"Whenever I decide to do" Roan replied harshly.
"Whatever's best for your people is that it?" Clarke questioned him once again.
Roan didn't reply, he didn't make eye contact, he couldn't.

"Well then you might as well count me in as a hostage because I'm not going to let you murder my people or my family" Clarke replied as she turned away.

"No, your not a hostage" Roan said quick.
"Why? I'm skykru, so I don't understand why you need them and not me!?" Clarke argued.
"Because they broke inside of my walls" Roan argued back.

"I did too!" Clarke said raising her voice.
Roan looked at her with words left unspoken.
"So what's the difference between them from me" Clarke asked annoyed.

"Because Clarke your.." Roan hesitated.
Clarke looked at him waiting for him to speak.
"Your different" Roan said under his breath.

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