Chapter 11 - the escape

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Roan watched Clarke walk back to her chambers. Roan had heard the guards talking while Roan and Clarke stared at each other in the middle of the hall no more words left to say. Roan gave the two a not that pleasant look  before he walked out the long hall.

The bell strikes midnight. Clarke just had to wait for Roan to enter her chambers. It had been at least 45 minutes before Roan had came to Clarkes chambers. What took him so long? Did something happen? Did Roan get caught!
Clarke overthinking everything, questioning everything.

Suddenly Clarke heared a knock at her door.
She was hesitant to open her door at first. What if it's Lexa or one of the grounders with Roan caught trying to sneak her out of polis!
But Clarke just decided to face whoever who is at her door. As Clarke opened her door it was just Roan nobody else.

"What were you naping?" Roan said sarcastically.
Clarke looked up at Roan in relief.
"Come on there were more guards then I tho-"
Roan said as Clarke hugged Roan tightly.
"God I'm glad your okay" Clarke said with Roan in her tight grip.

Roan looked at Clarke in silence. Was she worried? He didn't know what to say or what to think like usual. Roan had never experienced something like this before. Clarke pulls away slowly, As Roan looked at Clarke shocked.

"Come on we don't have a lot of time" Roan said as he tried his best to hide his emotions.
Finally Roan and Clarke got outside but like Roan said there were more grounders on watch then normal.
"We are going to have to go the long way to get past them" Roan whispered to Clarke.
Clarke nodded and they went around the tower past the tents that were around it

As they went around they saw a grounder which wasn't a surprise to them they were everywhere. So they waited for him to move. As Clarke accidentally stepped on a stick trying to get a better view. Of course the grounder had heard her, as the grounder Came forward towards Clarke and Roan.

While Clarke stepped back slowly trying to not get caught. She triped over Roan's foot while waking backwards. Roan caught Clarke as she fell. They tried there best to stay quiet, Clarke made eye contact with Roan for a few seconds before looking forward. she knew that she couldn't move. Clarke had to stay in Roan's grip until the grounder had lost interest in them.

As the grounder got closer and closer Roan started to hold Clarke even tighter in his grip. not because he was scared, only to prevent her from moving. Clarke did feel safer with Roan then anyone like bellamy, wells, lexa hell! even her own mother. It was just the comfort and his presence that made her feel safe

Soon the grounder had left. Roan let go of Clarke slowly. It was finally safe for Clarke to move now.
"Try to be more conscious about your surroundings first will you" Roan said not amused with Clarke.
As Roan and Clarke sneaked around the rest of the grounders.

Roan and Clarke eventually got to the wall with an hidden tunnel that lead her out of polis and into the forrest.
"Thank you Roan. Thank you for everything you have done for me on this hell of a journey"
Clarke said with a smile.

"May we meet again" Roan said as his small smile faded.
"May we meet again" Clarke said before she went through the tunnel.
Roan closed the door that entered the tunnel.
"We will meet again Clarke" Roan mumbled before walking back to the tower.

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