You just need some Faith

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Dust's pov
WHen Glitch left earlier I could tell that if someone didn't check in on her then she would do something she would regret later.

I left the house so I could find Glitch and stop her from doing anything reckless.

I found her just sitting by herself in my au.

"Hey Glitch." I said.

"So you found me. Hi." Glitch said.

"Look I know you want to dust Error but you can't." I said.

"Why? I know deep down that you want to dust him too." Glitch said.

Glitch's pov
I came to Dusttale to try and figure out a plan on how to dust Error and mainly because I needed some peace and quiet.

"Hey Glitch." Dust said.

I knew it was Dust without even turning round.

"So you found me. Hi." I said.

"Look I know you want to dust Error but you can't." Dust said.

Why can't I? I know he wants to dust Error jusr as much as I do.

"Why? I know deep down that you want to dust him too." I said.

Dust came to sit next to me.

"I do want to dust Error but you saw what wanting to kill 1 person did to this au. I dusted this whole au just to kill 1 human that would've kept resetting anyway, a few months later I found out that human was controlled to keep doing genocide in this au, and ever since then I regret dusting every monster in this au. Vengence doesn't get you anything and it doesn't make you happy, it just makes you feel guilt." Dust said.

He did have a point. Maybe if I just talked to Error then I can figure out why he did this.

"I beg to differ."

Me and Dust both turned around and saw Faith. We both got into our foghting positions.

"Aw c'mon guys thats no way to treat an old friend." Faith said.

"We were your friends, but then you turned evil so we aren't friends anymore." I said.

"I am evil but this time we have something in common. We all want to dust Error and I can help you if you'd like." Faith said.

She is right I mean she has been trying to dust Error for god knows how long and now me and Dust also want to dust Error.

"Shut up we are nothing like you!" Dust said.

"Nah you both are more alike to me than you think. Now I will say this once more will you help me dust Error or not?" Faith asked.

I mean if we dust Error together then she might trust me again.

"I'll help you." I said.

"Good. What about you Dust?" Faith asked.

"I know what happened the last time I did something like this, but Blue is my boyfriend and I'll do anything to protect him and I will dust Error for turning him into an Error. Sure." Dust said.

SO now me, Faith and Dust are going to try and dust Error.

After all to dust Error we just need some faith.

517 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

Blueberror (My Au) (+me and @Krystal_GlitchGirl) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now