They walked away from the noise and left the grounds of the dormitories and started walking towards the lake of the campus in silence. Once they reached the lake, Ottavio said "Verona... I need to talk to you about something  Verona.. You have to be honest with me... Completely honest..."

Suddenly Verona's heart dropped. Did he know about her incident in Irish school? Was he aware of what her friends from the dorm had done? Had he found out? She became very scared in that moment.

Ottavio said stopped walking and so did Verona.

Verona braced herself for a what he wanted to say to her.

Ottavio looked into Verona's eyes and stood towering over her "It is important that you tell me the truth...."

Verona nodded and said nervously "Ok... Sure..." She was awaiting a grilling. She was going to break if he interrogated her. She had no doubt. Who could stop him if he wanted the truth? She was afraid of what he would do next after he found out what exactly had happened. Her friends could get a taste of his wrath tonight depending on her answer. She would try to take all the blame. She would try. But she wasn't sure it was easy to convince him of it. Lying to him could make things worse.

Ottavio asked "Why didnt you sign up for cheerleader squad?

Verona was taken back. Was he really not asking about what had happened? He actually didn't know? "Huh?"

Ottavio asked "Tell me the reason..."

Verona was shocked and relieved that she had a lucky escape and he had no idea what she had done that night and how many rules she had broken.

Ottavio sighed "Verona... Answer my question..."

Verona jumped and then said "I guess I am not interested..."

Ottavio raised an eyebrow and said "Really? Why? I need to know why you didnt join.... Tell me why..."

Verona shrugged "Erm... I just dont want to be a cheer leader..."

Ottavio asked "Are you sure? I asked the head cheer leader why she hadn't recruited you even though you were part of the cheer leader team in your old school... She said you were approached by the team but said no... I need to know why you said no..."

Verona said "I said no because I am not interested... That is the only reason..."

Ottavio stared at her "So you didnt say no because anyone from the cheer leader team disrespected you or upset you or anything like that?

Verona asked "What do you mean? Why would you think that? Everyone here has been kind to me... "

Ottavio said "I dont know... It was just odd you wouldn't do something here that you are so good at... I thought maybe someone didnt know their place and upset you and put you off..."

Verona shook her head "You actually think anyone would dare disrespect me after what you did on the first day in the cafeteria?"

Ottavio asked "I only gave you a white rose pendant that was yours...  If anyone cant manage to respect you they will be dealt with..."

Verona sighed "Why do you feel the need to deal with people who may not respect me?... What's wrong with having some tough time? I cant believe I am just one bridge away from having a normal life and you are the obstacle in my way..."

Ottavio said "You can get across the bridge if you like... I will get you to come back... I wont let you escape me this time... If you run I will catch you... I thought I made it clear..."

Verona said "Ottavio... I know that... And I know if I went across the bridge you could follow... No rules stops you from doing that..."

Ottavio said "I am glad we have an understanding..."

Verona Rosario (Book 5: A Mob Boss's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now