Last Chapter:: Free?

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The next morning, Newt called an urgent and mandatory meeting for all Gladers

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The next morning, Newt called an urgent and mandatory meeting for all Gladers. They even convinced Alby to join this one. And when I tell you looking at him was hauntingly freaky, it was. He looked nothing like himself.

"Alright! Meeting has begun!" Newt stood. "The topic of today is... we think we've found our way out of here. We're escaping today. And we want all of you to come with us."

Gally looked skeptical. "Escape? How?"

Newt turned to me, so I stood up.

"Minho and I figured it out. There's eight sections of the maze. Numbers in a sequence. Their order of opening is their order in the sequence. It's the password to the computer in the Griever hole that Minho and Ben found a while ago. Guys, we figured it out."

There weren't any cheers like I'd expected there to be. Shock and excitement, yes, but no huge celebration.

"When do we leave?!" Someone perked up with a laugh. "Let's get the shuck out of here!"

"Listen!" Thomas stood up. "We have no idea what's outside this maze. We also don't know if it'll work, but this is all we have and all we've had since we were first put in here. We owe it to everyone we've lost to try. So, who's with us?"

There it is. There's the explosion of cheers and yells and fists thrown into the air.

"Everyone!! Weapon up!!" I yelled as I stood up. "There will be Grievers in that maze waiting for us!! Be prepared to fight!!"

Everyone ran out of the homestead, but Alby and Gally along with us four. Ben, Thomas, Newt, and I.

"What's the catch?" Alby asked. His voice low and hoarse. "There's always a catch."

"What do you mean?" Thomas asked. "Alby, we did it. We found the way out."

Alby looked over at me, his eyes narrowing and he pointed. "Elsie knows something. I bet she knows something she isn't telling anyone."

Suddenly that low scratchy voice spoke in my head again. Sacrifice.

I shook my head. "No. The only thing that I was told is the numbers are the password. I wouldn't keep anything from anyone."

I don't want the fear of a sacrifice to make anyone change their minds of coming with us to make it out.

The cost of one life is nothing compared to the rest of us getting out alive. The cost of one life compared to almost twenty.

"You don't have to come with us," Ben said. "But we are leaving. Now. Before it gets dark. But Alby, this place is destined to destroy itself. If you stay, you will die."

"Come on," Newt grabbed my arm. I pulled it away when I noticed that Gally wasn't following us either.

"Gally," I gave him a pleading look. "I don't want you to be killed in this place. I've seen the lab, it's destroyed. The scientists are all dead. The Grievers will multiply and destroy this place," I glanced over to Alby. "Alby isn't all there. Okay? Staying behind with him isn't worth it. Come with us. Please."

You Make Me Brave // Gally x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant