Chapter Three:: Scarily Similar

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I don't know how long I was in this labyrinth of turns and long corridors but it was growing dark and cold

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I don't know how long I was in this labyrinth of turns and long corridors but it was growing dark and cold.

My hands rubbed my arms after I crossed them, wincing when my hand ran over the bandages on my shoulder.

I decided to sit against one of the stone walls in a corner and remove the bandages. My skin was bare under them besides a line of stitches about the length of my finger from knuckle to tip.

Regardless, the cool fresh air felt nice on the wound so I vowed to leave it unwrapped. Scars heal faster when exposed anyway.

I stood back up and decided to wander around a bit more, hoping to find a warmer place to crash for the night. Wherever this is.

I still had no idea why I couldn't remember even a minor thing about myself or where I was. Nothing was coming. No light bulb effect. Nothing.

Again, I didn't have time to ponder those things before I heard running footsteps and voices. Two of them.

One of them accented. Like mine.

"We'd never know if women are just this bloody idiotic because she's the first one we've ever seen here."

"Whoever she is, she's missing a shuck brain. Running straight into the maze. La de da!"

The two shared a chuckle but their footsteps slowed to a stop. "I'm almost beginning to think this is pointless. She could've run the whole bloody maze by now and gotten herself killed."

"Here we are risking our lives for this greenie we don't even know," The other voice agreed.

They're just around the corner. I gulped and tiptoed my way towards the corner but cringe when one of my boots scraped against the ground and gave up my position.

I heard jogging footsteps come around the corner and I stepped back at the sight of a boy much taller than me.

He had medium, messy, and dirty blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, and soft features. He smiled at me and I'd be lying if I didn't feel safe at the sight of it.

"Well, we've been looking all afternoon for you, greenie!" He said cheerfully. "Why on earth did you run off in here?!"

The other boy rounded the corner before I could answer him. Still shocked that my voice matched his. A smooth accent.

The other boy was just a hair taller than the one in front of me. He had inky black hair and tan skin. He's well muscled and very agile looking. Like he's been working out for ages.

I gulped, knowing the first boy was still expecting an answer. "It felt safe, I guess. Quiet."

The boy behind the blonde chuckled. "Ain't nothin quiet about life here. Better get used to that fact, greenie."

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?" I scoffed, beginning to feel a little more confident. The blonde boy urged me to jog with them back to the grassy field.

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