Chapter Fourteen:: The New Kid

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-First Person-

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-First Person-

I was slowly coming out of my funk but joined the boys in racing to the box in the center of the Glade.

Once it had come up, everyone crowded around it, eager to see if it brought someone up with it.

I couldn't see, though. Yet it would be nice to not be the greenie anymore. One of the guys, I think his name is Jack, pulled the giant lever that opened the heavy metal doors.

Once they were open, the guys moved closer to try and get a look inside. However, it was dark in the box and the sun was blinding, so it was impossible to see.

Gally jumped down inside the box after moving the metal grates aside. Sure enough, there was a greenie inside.

I heard Gally say something to him, then just like me they got him out of the box and dropped him on the grass. Alby gave me a look, then nodded towards the boy.

I've been assigned a greenie? What happened to me being dangerous?

Suddenly the boy stood up and took off. And I mean- he looked like a speck of blue and gray in the distance.

"Hey, we got a runner!!" Zart yelled. Shortly after that, the boy's foot seemed to catch on a dip in the grass and he toppled over, landing face first in the grass.

Great. He's a klutz. I've been assigned a human hazard.

The boys dispersed back to their jobs, even Alby told Minho and Newt to go back to work. As the boy stood up, Alby caught my arm.

"Try not to freak him out. Shank looks mortified. Take it easy, slow, answer questions to the best of your ability. If he does anything like you did when you first got here, he'll be in the slammer. Teach him right, Elsie."

I made my way to the boy who was standing in awe, turning around multiple times to take in the sight of the Glade.

"Hey, greenie," I approached him. He stuck his arm out and stepped back, pointing at me.

"Who are you?! Where am I?! Why can't I remember anything?!"

"Listen, I know this is all overwhelming. And you're confused and probably wanna beat the klunk out of Gally for throwing you out of the box like that. Trust me, I did too. We just need to calm down, okay?"

He seemed to take a few breaths, eyes still blown wide. "Where am I?"

"This," I held my arms out. "This is the Glade. I know you don't remember anything but I promise it will all come back eventually. My name is Elsie."


"Yes...?" I eyed him. It looked like a light bulb went off in his brain.

"I-I remember that name but I don't know where from."

"You... you remember my name?" I was in disbelief. Has this ever happened before?

"Why can I remember yours but not mine?!" He raised his voice again, panting, probably from his mad dash across the Glade.

You Make Me Brave // Gally x OCWhere stories live. Discover now