Chapter Sixteen:: Dancing with Fireflies

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I spotted Minho talking with a group of Gladers in the middle of the field

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I spotted Minho talking with a group of Gladers in the middle of the field. Probably telling running stories or something.

"Hey, Elsie! Are you done in the- oomph!!"

I'd walked right up to him, grabbed the collar of his shirt, yanked him down, and slammed my lips onto his.

Instantly he grabbed my hips and kissed back. Then pulled back with a cheeky grin. "You took the words right out of my mouth. Almost literally."

"Shut up," I kissed him again, causing whoops and cheers to erupt amongst the group of boys. "We've gotta talk. Let's go."

Minho was shocked, but I just grabbed his hand and pulled him to the pond. Then I planted myself on the dock and he sat next to me.

"So... where did that come from?" He scoffed.

"I like you, Minho. A lot. Your stupid sarcastic humor, your painfully obnoxious ego, and your stupid muscles."

"I figured as much," A snicker. "You beat me to it. I've found you attractive since the moment I saw you come up in that box. But then you were all buddy buddy with Newt and I thought I'd lost my chance. Then, you found out you were siblings and I can't say I've ever been happier."

"Listen," I sighed, finally feeling my nerves begin to settle. "I'm still figuring out who I am myself. So going into this is... risky. And dangerous. But I was thinking that we may never know when we're getting out of here or if we're ever getting out. So. I guess I said to hell with it. Because I like you. A lot. You were the first real friend I made right after coming up. Besides Newt. I guess I'm just... I don't know. Scared to get attached because we've no idea what the future looks like."

"Ellie," He took my hand, gently, and looked at me sincerely. He's rarely ever serious. "I can tell you that even if the future goes to shit- there's no one else I'd rather live the end of the world with."

Whoah. Much deeper than I thought.

"Okay, so we're doing this then," I sighed shortly, exchanging a smile with Minho. He flashed that devilish grin, then pulled me closer to his side.

"Looks like we are."

Minho didn't run around boasting we were together to everyone he saw like I thought he would. I think he learned from Zart's mistake that it's just something that grinds my gears.

We did, however, tell the friend group after dinner. And my brother. Which meant he and Minho went off to talk on their own. Newt apparently had important things to tell Minho.

So, I sat in the grass in front of the pit with the greenie, Frypan, and Chuck. And Dory.

Now that the new guy has calmed down, he's actually a cool dude. Funny. Loves to have a laugh.

—3rd person—

Minho and Newt decided to walk and talk. Because the blonde had things to tell his runner friend that he didn't want anyone overhearing even by accident.

"Listen, Minho. I know she probably means a lot to you as well. Which I appreciate. But that's my sister. My blood. And if anytime you two find yourselves in a life or death ituation- it's her over you. Always. You're like a brother to me, mate, but she's blood."

"I understand," Minho nodded. "I told you. Her life before mine. We're on the same page."

"Can you promise?"

"Promise her safety over mine? Without hesitation. I promise. Yes."

"Good, now," Newt looked over at his friends with a funny little smirk. "No funny business. At all. I mean it. This world does not need a combo of your sass and her temper."

Minho's face pinked. "Oh, uh, yeah! Duh! Although that sprint she took into the maze her first day? Those skills paired with mine- our kids would be serious athletes."

"Minho, they'd behave like they were on drugs twenty four seven, you couldn't handle that."

—First Person—

"So, Minho, huh? I always thought it would be Gally."

I rolled my eyes at Chuck's joke. "Not funny. The guy's a jerk and a meathead. Never in a million years."

"I second that," Greenie chimed in, leaning against the grated pit door. "So, Elsie, how did you find out that you and Newt are siblings?"

"Vision dreams," I answered truthfully. I wasn't about to keep anything from him. I know what it's like to be babied as a greenie. And I hated it. "The creators like messing with my head."

"Oh. Bet that's fun," He scoffed. Then looked over at Chuck, whittling away at a little chunk of wood. "What's that you got there?"

"This? Oh," He held it up, turning it around and examining it. "Found it. I wanna make something for my parents. You know, for when I see them after this."

Frypan smiled at the boy. "That's really cool, little dude."

Suddenly I heard Minho's laugh in the distance as well as Newt's accent. I turned and spotted his smile as well.

"Hey, you," I told Minho as he sat next to me in the grass. He slipped his arm around me from beind. "What're you guys talking about?"

It was nice to see him so relaxed. He wasn't wearing his runner pack. Or that long sleeve blue shirt either. He wore a black tee with gray cargo pants.

He looked so comfortable. At ease. Calm. It was very attractive and I found myself leaning on him as the conversation continued.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tiny flash of yellow light. Then it happened again. And again. Then it hit me and I couldn't help but smile.


I shot up to to my feet and sprinted out into the field.

"Hey! Elsie!? Where are you going?!"

"Bloody hell, what now?"

Like a movie scene, the fireflies emerged in a cloud up from the grass. Filling the air around me with little yellow lights.

It filled my heart with so much joy it brought tears to my eyes.

Frypan smiled at the sight of me dancing in the field with the fireflies and smirked. After patting Minho's back a few times, he spoke.

"What the hell are you doing here? Go get her your girl."

Minho jogged out to join me, taking my hands into his, and began twirling me around and dancing with me to the cricket's songs. A giant smile on his face.

Chuck and Frypan ran around trying to catch the fireflies with Dory bouncing around behind them while Newt stood back, leaning against a tree. Two fingers pressed to his lips in a smirk.

I met his eyes and he shook his head, laughing softly. "Crazy girl," He mouthed.

"I love you," I mouthed back.

Minho turned my face towards his gently and stared down into my eyes. He studied my face for a while, then leaned in and very softly kissed my lips.

It felt like the fireflies were in my chest.

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