Chapter Five:: Dory the Goat

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Newt showed me his job first

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Newt showed me his job first. He and a few other guys, one called Zart, grow the plants and vegetables for the Glade and tend to them as they grow like weeding and pruning.

It was mostly vegetables and fruits on a few far trees, but I did spot a large rose bush in the back of their small veggie farm. Which I thought was cute.

A bunch of men growing something as feminine and delicate as roses.

His job seemed easy enough, and I kept it in mind for when I picked my job later. Because next were the builders. And currently they were making repairs on a large building called the "homestead".

"You wanna talk about that dream now?"

I shook my head almost immediately. "I really don't. Why are you all so obsessed with dreams?"

"Because, greenie. Sometimes dreams are more than dreams. Sometimes... shanks get memories back that could benefit everyone."

"Well, it was just a dream. And one I really don't feel like sharing. It was only bits and pieces anyway. It kept changing. There isn't much to tell."

"Alright, greenie. I won't push," Newt's tone dropped slightly but managed a thin lipped smile, changing the subject. "These are the builders. I can bet you probably won't be one of these shanks but if that's what you fancy then I'm sure no one would mind. They kind of keep to themselves anyway."

"Weird," I eyed the guys hammering nails into boards to patch up the front porch of the large building. "Frypan told me they're jerks."

"They can be. Especially if they're interrupted while working. But I don't know, Gally's been oddly decent to you since you arrived."

"It's just because I'm female," I rolled my eyes daringly. "That's the only reason. I'm nice to look at so he doesn't wanna try me. He probably also just wants to get in my pants."

What was that? Who was that version of me and where in the world did she come from?

We passed the homestead and Newt smiled at the sight of a young boy with a mop of mousy brown curls on his head. He was heavier set with what I assumed was leftover baby fat.

He's a child.

"Hey, Chuck!"

"Hi, Newt!" They greeted each other with a handshake. "Got the greenie out of hiding?"

My cheeks burned red but something about the teasing coming from this small boy was cute to me. He's got character. Like Frypan.

It didn't seem like his joking was meant in a taunting manner like Minho's was. Chuck was just trying to lighten the mood.

I'm sure I had a lingering look of permanent upset on my face that he was trying to fix.

"Chuck, why don't you take over from here, I've got some 'second in command' duties to tend to."

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