Chapter 9 - Wait!

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We start to walk in until Obi-wan stops me, "wait let's listen, I wanna see if this is true" he says, "I bet you a lightsaber it is" I smirked.

"I'll be needed that saber soon then" I laugh and Obi-wan turns to look at the family we see. It was a mom and a son.

The 'Jedi' uses the force to close the window and doors, I shake my head. It was pretty obvious this guy was a fake. You could see him controlling it under his pocket.

He better not scam this poor family.


"Y/n?" My mind finally flashes back after thinking and I turn to Obi-wan, "sorry I was just thinking" I sadly smile and look at the Jedi again.

The family of two was leaving and the man was talking to someone on the microphone, Obi starts to walk out and stand directly in front of the man.

"I'm looking for a Jedi," Obi-wan says and the man jumps, "how'd you two get in here" he looks at me and Obi-wan.

"A girl has been kidnapped and I need your help to find her," Obi says and I just stand there crossing my arms.

The man signs and stands up, he uses the 'force' and the windows shut, "I am Haja Elstree, Jedi" the guy just keeps on going too, "I help all who are in need"

"In return, I ask for a few credits" I raise a brow and realized this wasn't a Jedi. Jedi would do it for free, not ask poor people for credits.

Obi-wan plays along, "of course, how much?" The man smiles and thinks. "Five hundred to locate the girl, another three hundred to take you to her" my eyes go wide. "Goodness, that light is unforgiving"

The man keeps on blabbering until Obi-wan had enough and pulled out a blaster on him, I smiled.

"Just that it's a lot of remotes and magnets," I say and the dude's face goes pale. While obi-wan was holding the blaster I searched the guy's pocket and found the truth.

"Okay.. I know how this looks" the man says and I scoff.

"Yes, it looks like you just took money from that family" he looks at him deadly, "I got them safe!" The man keeps going, "just uh.. a little poorer"

"Oh and that's better!" I wave my arms and look at the man.

"What are y'all? Bounty hunters" The man asked and we look at each other.

"You're a bottom feeder, a rat who preys on weakness" Damn, Obi-wan was going off.

"So judgmental" I laugh at the guy's remark and shake my head, I drop the remote and step on it for it to break.

"You'll help us find the girl we're looking for," He said and the guy quickly replies by agreeing.

We chat and follow the man, he kept going on and on about the place we could view. Obi-wan and I held up our hoods and kept a lookout in case.

"Do you think she'll be here?" I say and look down, Obi-wan signs.

"I hope, young one" he replies.

Always keep your enemies close | Anakin/Darth story | Enemies to lovers |Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora