Chapt. 16

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~y/n pov~
Okay what the hell? Where am I, I didn't think I could teleport let alone have any powers, like radio static like Al or electricity like vox. I'm I mean sure I'm a deer like Alastor but, I don't think that has anything to do with this.
"Hey! You! Girl/boy/person!"
Huh? I turn around to see a cyclops with pinkish hair and an x pupil.
"U-um, me?"
I asked, stupidly stuttering.
"Yes you. Come here unless you want to be blown up."
Well that didn't sound fun, so you quickly walked over to her, to which she pulls you behind a car just as a big explosion goes off.
There was lots of screaming.
The weird cyclops screamed. To which someone replied.
I had no idea what was happening. Honestly.
"Hey kid, wanna help blow this stupid snake up for going on my terf?"
The pretty cyclops asked.
"Oh, by the way the name's Cherri."
The cyclops now known as Cherri said.
"Oh um..sure! It's not like I have anything better to do."
You replied truthfully, this sounded more fun then working with Charlie at her passion project. Sorry Charlie.


~third pov~
And so, y/n and Cherri teamed up against Sir Pentious and even got Cherri more terf. Once they were done and Sir Pentious left, the two creatures high fived.
"That was awesome!"
The [h/c] haired person said.
"Well I'm glad you liked it! So, what brings you here in the middle of nowhere anyways?"
Cherri asked curiously. Y/n just kind of stared for a minute.
"I think I teleported. You see Alastor-"
"The radio demon?!"
"-yes, and Vox"
"The tv demon?!"
"—yes. Were fighting and I was trying to stop it, and they wouldn't listen, so that got me irritated so I yelled at them to shut up and uh...ended up here."
Cherri was quiet.
The cyclops yelled, not believing her eye.
Y/n looked awkward.
"Wow, you must be-"
She was cut off by her phone ringing.
"Oh hang on my bestie's calling, hey Angie what's up?"
"Your friend?"
"Oh they're missing?"
"Describe 'em to me"
"Oh, well I guess I found your friend."
Even y/n could hear that surprised shout from the other end of the phone.
Y/n cringed.
"Yeah yeah meet you there bye babe, so, your name's y/n huh?"
Y/n realized they forgot to introduce themselves and immediately felt dumb.
"Ah um..yes! I'm angel's....friend?"
"That's cool because I'm angel's best friend! We gotta get movin' though, told ange I'd meet 'em at a café nearby with you."
And so Cherri took Y/n's hand and basically pulled them along with her. Talking the whole time. They finally got there, and who was there?
Angel, Charlie, Vaggie, and...Alastor?
Angel said, tackling y/n to the ground in a hug.
"The fuck happened?!"
Angel basically screamed.
Y/n and Alastor both cringed at his loudness.
"Um i don't know angel, one second I was with you guys and the next I wasn't!"
Y/n said, still trying to process this.
Y/n looked around.
Charlie looked happy and relieved.
Vaggie looked, annoyed but semi relieved.
And Alastor, well he was smiling, as usual.
"Lovely to see your not hurt dear. You had Charlie here worried for your sake ahaha!"
Y/n felt a little bad, they didn't know why.

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