Chap. 9 •happy friends?•

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I blinked, a little surprised by the sudden noise.
"Well uh...I'm y/n, hello, and um...uh..yeah"
Charlie smiled, trying to lower her..well everything
"I'm sorry y/n! I didn't mean to startle you, we just haven't had anyone come to the happy hotel other than Alastor, who you've already met, and angeldust."
The inappropriate looking spider simply raised one of his hands. The angry looking moth demon went behind the counter and got a clipboard
"name, last name, age, date of birth, date of death, type of demon?"
"Uh...y/n  l/n, 22, b/d, d/d, and...doe."
"Alright your all signed in, your room number is 667, Niffty please show y/n to their-" she gets cut off by radio static laughter. "Oh no no no dear, I'll show them to their room! After all it is next to mine." Next to Alastor's? Well who thought THAT was a good idea??" The moth demon seems to be irritated but nonetheless gives Alastor the key to your room. Alastor takes you by the hand and leads you to an elevator, he holds the door open for you, of course being the gentleman he is. You walk in and he walks in too, clicking the button for level 6. He hums a staticky but oddly familiar tune. "Hey Alastor?" "Hmmm?" "Where do you know that song from?" "Oh! Dear I used to be a radio host, so I learned this song quite well." Go figure, of course he was. "Huh, that's...odd considering I wrote it" The elevator lights flicker and there's a record scratching sound. "You...what?" You suddenly feel a little scared. "Um..I wrote it..?" Alastor turns to you, eyes radio dials. "I don't think so dear. Because a good....friend. Of mine did back when we were alive." Your ears twitch, eyes narrowing. "Oh yeah? Test me" Alastor narrows his eyes at that. "What was the stage name of the person who wrote the song and when was it made." You hum in response. "The siren. 1929. many orphans." Alastor was silent. How could you have known that?
"...y/n dear..?"
You looked confused. "Yes??"

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