Chap. 5 •Victor..?•

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~y/n's POV~
I walked through the streets thinking about what I remembered when a familiar voice came from behind me "well well what's a little bunny like you doing out here alone?" I turned around and saw the one and only radio demon. "Hello to you as well Mr.Radio demon." I say as I keep walking. "It's dangerous out here alone y'know dear, also I never happened to get your name." I stop walking and look up at him mildly amused. "The almighty Radio demon wanting to know my name? Gosh this is an honor." He simply narrows his eyes but keeps smiling. "Well if you do insist my name is (y/n). What is your official name" His smile became slightly less intimidating as he held out his hand to me. "My name is Alastor dear, very lovely name (y/n)."  I feel myself subconsciously smile.

~Vox's POV~
I waited for (y/n) to get home and when they did I threw my arms around them in a tight embrace "(y/n)! Your back!"  You hugged back, clearly surprised "H-hey Vox"  we both look at each other and say at once "Can we talk about what happened earlier?"  We both stare at each other and start to laugh. We walk up to my room and sit down "so...(y/n) you go first."
~(Y/n's) POV~
You hesitate.
"When I was alive I had this..boyfriend named Victor oddly enough I gave him a nickname, the nickname was 'Vox' I heard her was planning on proposing to me but...before he could he was killed live on the air, everyone saw. He was a TV host so everyone was quite panicked. It broke me. Funny enough I ended up here in hell by suicide, kind of. I hired someone to kill me. He shot me through the chest as I held Victor's photo in my bloodied hands as I died." You didn't realize you had started to cry but Vox seemed like he was stuck between emotions. You were crying and your hands were shaking, you quickly wipe your eyes and put your hands in your pockets nervously, embarrassed about breaking down in front of him.
~Vox's POV~
I sat completely still, watching you tremble as tears ran down your cheeks, I listened as you proved exactly what I thought as my electronic heart starting beating rapidly. I watched as you talked about me, it was strange to see myself from your POV. You finally realized you had started crying and wipes your eyes in a rush anxiously smiling. Poor dear..had to watch as I was brutally murdered on live TV. It hurt my heart to know you took your own life because I died..."oh (y/n) dear I missed you..." you looked up at me confused and I gave you the hat you gave me the day before my death, your eyes widened and you looked up at me, teary eyed again. I opened my arms and you jumped into them, crying out of what I hope was happiness.

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