•16•: birth of Peyton and Kiara

21 1 0

Harry: 26, 36 weeks pregnant
Luke: 23
Macy: 12, almost 13
Sydney: 3, almost 4
Harley: 3
Jessica: 2
Andrew: 2
Robin: 1 year old
Emma: 1 year old

February 2020

February 4, 2020

Harry's baby bump

*9 months pregnant*

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*9 months pregnant*

Harry's POV

I was sitting on the couch with my protruding belly nearly sitting on my knees and Luke next to me rubbing my bump a bit.

I was over due 2 weeks today and Luke was very on edge. Even more than me. He really wanted to see our lovely daughter that we had waited so long for. I zoned out just thinking about her.

"Hun you alright?" Luke asked snapping me out of my thoughts and brushed off his comment. I felt a kick in response from our little girl.

I was doing that alot lately though. Just spacing out for no reason but I was just day dreaming about our baby girl.

We had decided on naming her Peyton Ella Hemmings. Luke and me had been married for about 3 years now and we wanted to adopt after I had miscarried but found out I was pregnant a few months later. It was amazing because Luke was giddy about having a kid again.

I snuggled back up to Luke and drifted off to sleep with him. I was very content with my life and if you're wondering Michael and Ashton are together and Ashton is pregnant too. Just not as far as I am.

I woke up to a strong Braxton hick and I shot up and breathed it out. I felt another one but stronger and I realized that I was going into labor.

"Luke.... get... your silly... ass up... the baby... is coming." I said in between pants. Luke shot up and ran up to our room to grab my over night bag.

He came down the stairs and ran out to the car and came back to get me after he had it started. Luke wrapped his arm around my waist to support me.

I felt a strong contraction and grabbed the wall for some support and Lukey held me up before I fell. I got my breath back as the contraction passed and we got to the car. I gripped the side as Lukey lowered me into the passenger seat and he ran over to his side after helping me out. He grabbed my hand as I felt another contraction hit me.

"It'll be alright." He said rubbing the top of my hand. I smiled at him gratefully and we pulled up to a stop light. I felt another contraction and gripped his hand hard. Lucky for us the hospital was a short drive from our house.

When we got there Lukey parked up by the entrance and brought me inside the building and sat me in a wheel chair. I smiled at him with a pained look on my face.

He went to fill out paperwork and a nurse took me to a room and settled me in the bed after changing my clothes to a gown.

I was there for a while before the doctor came in and checked me for dilation​.

"Well your 7 centimeters now and your water still hasn't broken, so it shouldn't take no more than about an hour or two before you should ready to push." She said standing up and throwing away her gloves.

Lukey came into the room now and I was taking deep breaths because my contractions were about 6 minutes apart by now.

"You're doing so well. I'm proud of you." Lukey said wiping the sweat from my forehead and kissing me on the lips. He pulled away and I had about another hour or two of pain before anything eventful happened. I closed my eyes in hopes to get some sleep and I might have succeeded if it wasn't for the pain.

I woke up to Peyton dropping lower in my body to the point I literally felt like I was sitting on her. Lukey was asleep hold my hand. I saw the same doctor walk in and she nodded at me and I got onto my back again.

"Well by the looks of it you're ready to push." She said looking up. I smiled and gripped Lukey's hand hard enough to wake him up.

"What's going on?" He said clearly confused and very groggy. I only grinned and he knew I was ready to have our baby.

I can only tell you pushing is the hardest part because as I felt our girl move down it felt like my hips were being split in half. It was only a matter of minutes before I could hold her.

I bored down again and I felt the doctor slightly pull on her to make it easier for me. I pushed again and and again before she slid right out. I felt some kind of odd pressure against my hips again and the doctor looked up.

"Well I guess​ she has a sibling." She said looking back down as I yet again pushed for our secret child to be born into the world with their sister.

I felt all the pain wash away as they took away the other twin and I looked at Luke. He kissed my forehead.

"I'm so proud of you. You have given me two beautiful children and yourself to care for." He said kissing my lips. I smiled into the kiss. I was handed Peyton and Luke was handed our other daughter.

"What are we gonna name her Luke?" I asked since I never thought of other girl names. He thought for a moment.

"How about we name him Kiara Ivy?" Luke asked me. I smiled because he knew I loved the name Kiara.

"It's perfect. We have our own little family now." I said. He leaned over and set Kiara in my arms and pulled out his phone to call Michael and Ashton since they were our kids god parents.

I couldn't be any happier. About a half hour later Michael and Ashton admired their god kids and I smiled. My life couldn't be anymore perfect.

Peyton Ella Hemmings ~ February 4th, 2020~ 5:14 a.m.

Kiara Ivy Hemmings ~ June 13th, 2025 ~ 5:37 a.m.

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