•10•: Ultrasound appointment

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Harry: 23, 16 weeks pregnant
Luke: 20
Macy: 10
Sydney: 1 year old
Harley: 4 months old

April 2017

Harry's baby bump

*4 months pregnant*

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*4 months pregnant*

Harry's POV

So I started to show now.. I still haven't told Luke. Infact no one knows.. I keep wearing baggy shirts to cover my baby bump. Today Luke and the rest of the band were recording songs for the new album and I went to go surprise him at the studio. I complained a lot and I was snappy with everyone.. Damn hormones.

Luke walked over me with a concerned gaze.

"Baby are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Stop asking me all the bloody time!" I snapped at him

"Haz whatever is going on you need to stop! You've been snappy with everyone, You're complaining all the damn time, And you gained some freaking weight! If you continue to act like this I'm leaving you!" He screamed at me.. That's it my nightmare is coming true, He doesn't want to be with me anymore. I let the tears stream down my face.

"It's all your damn fault" I whimpered

"How is you being a brat my fucking fault?!" He snapped again

"BECAUSE YOU GOT ME FUCKING PREGNANT YOU DICK!" I screamed and ran away to the car. I drove home as fast as possible and locked myself in our bedroom. I was sobbing. Not only I screwed up my relationship with Lou, I screwed up the band.

"Don't worry little one.. We'll be okay eventually"

I've been sitting in my room for hours now. I don't know what to do.

"Harry! Where are you?" Luke was home. He's going to leave me isn't he?

He knocked on the bedroom door.

"Baby, please let me in. Please just open the door I'm worried about you" Well better get it over with.. I opened the door and looked at my feet.

"I'm sorry.. I'll go pack my stuff.. I'll be gone tomorrow" I whispered.

Luke hugged me tight and kissed me.

"You're not going anywhere"

"You're not leaving me?" I whimpered

"No! Of course not baby, I love you"

"B-but I'm a freak"

"No you're not you're a miracle just like our baby. I love you Hazza and I love our baby! We're going to be parents again! I'm so exited!"

"I love you too"


*A week later*

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