•6•: Luke proposes to Harry

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Harry: 22, 20 weeks pregnant
Luke: 20
Macy: 9
Sydney: 5 months old

August 2016

*5 months pregnant*

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*5 months pregnant*

Harry's POV

"Lukey, put me down!" I laughed as he carried me though wherever we were going.

"You refused to walk so therefore I'm picking you up like a three year old." I could hear him smiling.

For some reason Luke had made me put a ridiculous blindfold on and wouldn't tell me where we were going, I could hear people talking recognizing Luke.

"Well if I wasn't scared of falling over in public then I would." I sassed sticking my tongue out at him making him laugh his deep chuckle.

He carried on walking with me in his arms like a baby until he came to a stop I looked around even though it was obvious I couldn't see.

"You can take your blindfold off now." Luke informed me.

I did as I was told squinting at the sudden brightness of the white place.

I looked around and could tell it was an airport straight away.

"What? What's going on?" I asked confused looking back to Luke who had a bright smile on his face his dimples showing.

"Well, you see over there?" He pointed and my brown green eyes following his finger until they came across Louis and Eleanor standing smiling at us waving, with Macy next to them.

"Now I'm even more confused." I stated looking back a Luke as he put me gently on the floor and he held my hand it fitting perfectly together.

"Well, you see the board up there? I'm taking you to Italy with Eleanor, Louis and Macy, it's a couples trip." Harry was still smiling.

"Italy, what?" I gushed clasping my hand around my mouth. "But I didn't pack! I have no clothes or makeup!" I said worried.

"El did your packing and Louis brought your case here don't worry I had it under control." Luke laughed shaking his head at me and put his hands on my waist and kissed me softly.

"Did I do good?" He asked.

"You've done brilliant." I smiled giving him one last peak on the lips before running out of his grasp and over to Eleanor and Louis throwing my arms around them.

"Couples trip! I love you all!" I squealed.

It wasn't long until we were on the flight and in Italy and as soon as we got there we went to dinner then to bed after jet-lag didn't take long to find us.

We woke up early the next morning to get dressed and I could tell El had packed my case and put on some nice summer clothes seeing as it was.

"Ready?" Luke asked taking my hand, I just nodded.

Eleanor and Louis had gone shopping with Macy and it wasn't long until Luke was getting me onto one of those boats with the name that rows through Italy as we sit down with wine and relax.

"This is perfect." I whisper in his ear.

"Like you then." He whispered back and I poked one of his dimples "What's that over there?!" He half shouted scaring to me to death as I looked where he pointed.

"I don't see anyth-" I stopped mid sentence as I turned back to see Luke kneeing the best he could on the boat thing with a diamond ring in his hand.

"Harry, I love you and always will, this trip wasn't just about getting away and having a couples trip with Lou and El, I want to spend the rest on my life with you until were old and wrinkly, so will you please do me the absolute honour of becoming my husband?"

I could tell he was nervous his breathing unsteady and his hands shaking, tears welled in my eyes spilling over.

"Y-yes! Yes!" I shouted dropping from the seat onto the boat floor with him as he placed the ring on my finger and grabbed my face with his hands.

"I love you Harry!" He laughed crying too.

"I love you too Lukey" I laughed at ours names and he leaned in and kissed my tears away slowly moving to my lips, as they moved in perfect sync in the sun warmth.

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