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Exactly one week has passed since I got here. Well... technically since I got captured. The council finally returned my weapons and I reunited with my beloved Machete. Trying my best to avoid Ash, I always stay with someone. I can't afford to be alone with him.

"You got that?" Her taut voice breaks through my thoughts. "Uh, yeah" I quickly say as I pull back the string of the bow. She sighs "Raven, Your posture." Indigo stands behind me, her hands guiding my body. She pushes her hand gently into the middle of my back, making me stand straight. "Release" With those words, I fire the sharp arrow. CLINK. The stone point hits the bullseye.

"WOO!!" Ajax claps in the background. "See? Your posture matters." Indigo lets go of me. Walking to the makeshift target, I pull the arrow out and look back at the two. "I only hit it when you help me." I whine. Indigo throws her arm over my shoulder. "Hey, just practice. You will eventually get it." She says with a smile.

The community put together training grounds. There are a few potato-sack targets that resemble a body. Along with shooting targets and wooden beams where we are right now.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Ajax rests his head on his palm. "There are just some things on my mind." I respond and Indigo lets go of me. His eyes light up as he jumps towards me. "I know what will put your mind at ease." He says with a big stupid grin.

"Ajax..." Indigo groans, but he completely ignores her. He leans closer "Have you heard of Deadful Evening?" Ajax whispers. In response, I give him a confused stare. "Basically, Every Friday night there is a huge party in the school's assembly room." His green eyes have a hint of mischief.

Huh... that actually sounds nice. "Booze?" I ask and he nods his head excitedly "and more!" Maybe this won't be too bad.

"Alright. I'll be there" I shoot another arrow but this time I didn't miss the target completely.

"See?" Indigo cheered. "I told you, you would get it eventually!!"

I've been planning to train for the scavenger groups. They will be recruiting again since the whole Ash and August incident. My goal would be to lead one of the groups.

So that I can finally find him.




. . .

Once I take a shower after a long day of training I return to the barracks to get ready. It seems I was the only person that didn't know about the Deadful Evening.

"Hey, Sky." I try to get his attention while picking out clothes. He hums. "You going to Deaful Evening?" He blinks, almost looking surprised. "Uh, yeah, but how did you know about that?"

"I have my ways." I giggle. "Why is everyone so secretive about it?" He takes a minute before he responds. "The council wouldn't allow a party of any kind. So it's very secret." Ah, that makes sense. I wonder who else will be there? Fuck If Ash is there... "Hey, Raven?" Sky murmurs. "Hm?"

"Are you okay?" I don't respond. "After your since night here... you seem off." He noticed.

Throwing the outfit I picked on the bed, I look up at him. "I'm just tired." I quickly make up an excuse. He turns his head to look at me. "Did someone..." he looks down. "Do something to you?" Why does he care about me?

His expression becomes even more worried at my lack of response. Sky stands up and walks to me, leaning forward slightly to match my height. "Raven?" His warm hand rests on my shoulder. Taking a deep breath, I slowly pull back my turtle neck collar - revealing a bruised neck. Sky's eyes widen. "Raven. Who did this?" He quakes as his shaky hands examine the bruises.

I can't help but feel comfortable around him. But why?

Why did I show him?

Taking his wrist, I pull his hands away from me. "I just got into a fight." I let out a fake chuckle to reassure him. "Rav-" I cut him off "Well, I have to get ready." Quickly walking away and waving, I leave the room. As I walked through the familiar halls with my head down, my body collides with someone else's. Looking up - I see who the perpetrator is.

He smirks "What's got you so bitter?" Without replying, I shove him out of my way. "Fuck off, August." I hiss as I flip him off.

Before I could react, tears were falling down my cheeks. I wasn't sure why. Maybe because I feel so uncomfortable here? Maybe because no matter how hard I try no place feels like home. No place feels the same without him.

I miss him so much.

Finding an empty stall I shut and lock the door as fast as possible. I bring my knees to my chest, remembering everything Ash said.

Grinning down at me, his eyes were filled with pure joy. "Your friend...what was it again? Oh, Cole." My eyes widened. I haven't heard his name in years. He crouches down to meet my level. "Don't even think about trying to find him."

"He's dead."

Find me - The whole world is haunted Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum