matori plan

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Team rocket's matori matrix airship cockpit with matori and team rocket grunt still searching for cresselia through sinnoh region at 9:00 am

Team rocket grunt #1: "we can't find cresselia somewhere in sinnoh, boss."

Matori: "don't worry, I got someone will track down cresselia somewhere in sinnoh."

Both automatic doors open for short fuse flew through toward cockpit and landed on matori command chair left ear as short fuse with evil grin and said, "you wanted to see me, boss." Matori replied back to him with polite, "I got tiny mission for you." He became angry to hear "tiny" From his new boss and said in anger, "tiny." His hat begin to ignite make matori begin to panic and said to kindness, "I meant " Big " Mission for you." He unfuse become calm after that and team rocket grunt sigh of relief when matori begin to speak, "find cresselia somewhere in sinnoh region."

Short fuse: "you got it boss."

He flew away from cockpit toward hanger to exit toward outside begin finding cresselia somewhere in sinnoh as one of team rocket grunt look at matori with scared expression on his face, "I can't believe you hired 4 dangerous criminal was working for valmont as dark hand and shendu son, drago henchman that he almost our worlds turn inside out with the power of demon chi."

Team rocket grunt #2: "yup, but he's gone now to netherworld with his father, shendu still fighting."

Team rocket grunt #3: "that's true."

[New chapter is out for today]

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