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Eighter:I've never slept with a blanket before. It's cozy!


It was morning today. The sun slowly rise up below the snowy mountains, roosters makes a crowing sound, small pile of snow drops on the tree leaves where the harmless snow moles was standing shakes it off making a cute squeaking sounds.

Rooster:(Crowing) (Crowing)

Snow Moles:(Squeaking)

All the villagers including suno, her parents, village chief, and eighter gathered around joining to say farewell or goodbye the two young warriors goku and sakura heading at West City where Bulma lives.

Suno's Father:What?! Oh, you two going on foot there?

Goku:Mm-hmm! My Flying Nimbus got blown up.


A villager heared what Goku said about it he has a black hat, white mustache, wearing purple winter coat and holding a wooden cane started to walk towards the two kids.

Villager 1:Huh?! Flying Nimbus you say...? Son, you once had a Nimbus cloud?

Suno's Father:Nimbus cloud?

Goku:Yeah... I did. How do you know about the Flying Nimbus?

Villager 1:Well, you see...When I was a young boy, there were several of those things around these parts...w-weren't there?

Village Chief:Oh, why, yes indeed! Yes, now, there used to be many Nimbuses floating around here. But since only those pure of heart can ride them, and they're getting pretty rare, the clouds have nearly disappeared now. (Chuckled) If you can ride one, you must be a very good person.

Goku:Thank you. But my Flying Nimbus is broken!


Villager 1:(Laughing) A Flying Nimbus can't be destroyed. Have you tried calling for it?

Goku:Uh-uh. No, I haven't. I thought it was gone for good.

Villager 1:How about you little girl do you have a flying nimbus as well?

Sakura:No I don't have one. Goku and I only shared riding each other anytime.

Villager 1:I see. But that was really fine since both of you are lovers I couldn't be more proud of you two (Chuckled)

Goku/Sakura:(Chuckled) Thank you very much sir!

Villager 1:Well, then, call your flying nimbus now!

Sakura:(Giggled) I'm getting really curious myself so go ahead and give it a try goku.

Goku:Alright I guess I do it. Fly-ing Niiiiim-buuus! Coooome to meee! Flying Nimbus!

After he call his nimbus cloud as loud as possible, Goku, Sakura and the rest can wait for the flying cloud's arrival.

Suno's Father:Nothing's happening

Villager 1:Give it time.

Sakura's ears perked up hearing something up at the sky. Her face lit up recognizing that sound looking up in the sky quickly twinkling white dot appeared a yellow object zooming at the horizon non other than Goku's flying nimbus returns.

Sakura:(Laughing Happily) Goku look up there! It's your nimbus cloud coming back!

Goku:Your right it is! Heh, heh. Hey!


Goku:(Laughing) My nimbus! It's back!

Sakura:(Chuckled) It's a miracle!

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