"Wait... Let me see the wound from those talons." Casey said and Beatrice looked around. "When we get home. It doesn't have to be here." Casey said.


Tye was at the loft doing his homework for university, while it was Casey, who was at the Beacon Hills High school on her day off, just to try to help with what limited information that they had, on the whereabouts of Tracy Stewart.

"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder. It was night terrors." Lydia explained to them all.

"I used to get those. After the fire." The group all looked at her. "The Hale Fire, not the one that burned my house down and scorched my vocal cords."

"I used to get nightmares and panic attacks, but not night terrors. If one of you could explain the difference, I'd like to know more." Beatrice admitted and Casey nodded.

"Explain later." Casey said and Beatrice nodded silently in agreement at the words.

"Well, now she's the night terror. And especially now, especially since no one can find her." Stiles remarked.

"The entire sheriff's department is on watch for her. Well, the ones that are on duty, anyways." Casey said and he looked at her. "It's my day off. I could be sleeping right now, Stiles, just try to remember that."

"Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable... Except for you." Scott amended his words after seeing that Mason was wide awake and, he was just absorbing everything that he could, in regards to information.

"Oh. I'm sorry. This is all just so mind-blowing." Mason replied and Casey shrugged a little. "Remind me what you are, again?" Mason asked.

"I'm a human being with both attitude and some seriously crispy and burned, vocal cords." Casey was completely serious and Beatrice sighed.

"She's a human who was raised to hunt us. Who also happens to be now engaged to my oldest living cousin, a werewolf like myself, Scott, Tye and Liam." Beatrice explained and Mason nodded.

"Wow." Mason said and Casey sighed.

"I'll let you know if I hear anything from Parrish. Until then, none of you do anything, is that clear?" Casey asked and they all nodded at the words and Casey was walking away.

||Devenford Prep||

"Still a show-off." Beatrice said and she was shaking her head and Brett was walking over to her, Liam and Mason. "You got a couple minutes?"

"What is going on now?" Brett asked and Beatrice rolled her eyes a little bit at the words.

"Liam, you find the picture yet?" She asked and Liam held out his phone to show Brett, the recent picture of Tracy in the yearbook.

"Cute. But never seen her." Brett said as he packed up his lacrosse gear into his pack.

"Could Satomi have turned her without you knowing?" Liam asked and Beatrice was shaking her head.

"Highly unlikely. Considering what happened after the dead pool, I doubt that any alphas in Beacon Hills would go out of their way to bite any more people." Beatrice remarked.

"Exactly. After the dead pool, Satomi's not exactly doing much, recruiting for the pack. Tye is looking around the states and outside of Beacon Hills for Betas, right?" Brett asked and Beatrice nodded, putting her hands into her pockets.

"Yup. He doesn't really want to have to bring anyone else into his pack, he would prefer to find werewolves or other supernaturals who are without packs, as opposed to just dragging a bunch of other innocent people into the warzone that our world is." She noted.

"That's how it works? Alpha werewolves, they just go around biting people?" Mason asked and he almost sounded excited, and Beatrice winced a little.

Her hand went up to the side of her head and they all looked at her, as she was shaking her head. "Beat?" Brett asked.

"I'm okay." Beatrice said as the momentary pang of pain was gone and she blinked. "Sorry, what were we talking about?" She asked.

"Or you can be born, like me and my sister. Or like most of Beatrice's family like she was. Satomi took us in after our family died in a fire. Similar to how we met Beatrice, actually." Brett said and Beatrice was looking down at the triskele tattoo that she had gotten done, on her right inner elbow and he shrugged. "You, Beat, are definitely running out of room on your arms for tattoos." He said and she nodded.

"No kidding." Beatrice replied as she rolled down the sleeves of her hoodie again, to cover them all.

"Guys? I think I just found something." Liam said and he was looking at his phone.

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