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"The Divine Move"

Their swords came down and both swords stopped before they hit her, as Casey let out a horrified, painful and alarming croak of a scream. Tye was looking over his shoulder at her, and both of the swords, they had stabbed directly into him.

Then, a horrified cry came from Scott... As Allison fell to the ground from a fatal sword wound as Casey's eyes widened. The Oni disappeared right along with the Nogitsune, as she was supporting Tye. Casey looked at him and Tye was shaking his head.

"Derek... Casey, where is he?" Tye whispered and Casey's tears were starting to fall, as she realized why and he looked at her. "T-Tell him I'm sorry." Casey nodded at once and he looked at her. "You were the only person I told, you know? I'm not sorry that I trusted you. You were the-the best damn guardian that I could have had." Tye whispered as he nodded at her. "I can see them." He said as Casey swallowed. "I can see Mom, Dad, and even Laura... Casey, I can see them."

"I know." Casey's whisper was barely audible and Tye looked at her, and his heartbeat was slowly.

"Derek. Take care of him, you have to take care of him. P-promise me." Casey nodded and Tye shut his eyes, as his heartbeat slowed and eventually, he didn't move or speak again.

Casey leaned her head back against the wall and she let out a rasping cry and out of the corner of her eye, she could see Argent standing there.

His daughter was dead and she could see him and he attempted to process it and then, it was then that he caught sight of her and the other dead body of a teenager, almost an adult.

Casey pulled out her cell-phone, right out of her pocket with numb fingers it took too long to dial the number and instead, she just cut off the call.

Casey looked over at Argent, who dialed 9-1-1 and she was shaking her head, as she was forcing herself to try and remember her training.

"Ten seconds. Count to ten and after that, there is no more emotion until you are alone. No more emotions, Casey!"

Casey had never been so grateful to hear her son of a bitch father's voice inside of her head, and she drew on her training.


"Ten." Casey could hear Tye's bright laughter, the constant smile that had brought hers out always, after they had just stopped waiting.

"Nine." The look on Tye's face and the look on Derek's, when the two of them saw each other again.

"Eight." Tye was growling, or rather now snarling at Erica to protect Casey who didn't need it, but appreciated it nonetheless.

"Seven." Dragging Tye out of the fire being relieved that he was breathing as she ran back into the burning house.

"Six." Tye scoring his first goal in lacrosse as his junior year's team captain, the first game that Casey had managed to make, since she had gotten a job at the Sheriff's station.

"Five." Tye had blown out the candles on his fourteenth birthday cake and he was grinning, and Casey took pictures with a camera without the flash on, to see him without looking like there was lasers pointed at the camera.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin