pt. 15

685 14 2


my hands were shaking, and my heart was beating out of my chest, as i shakily pulled out my phone from my back pocket and unlocked my phone. i walked towards my trailer as i opened the messenger app, and clicked on noah's icon. i started to type as i kept messing up because my hands were uncontrollably shaking.

noah please meet me in my trailer it's an emergency

hey mills what's up?

i'll explain in a bit please just come i'm literally having a panic attack

what!? i'll be there in a sec just take deep breaths okay?


i took a couple of deep breaths as i reached my trailer and ran in. i sat down on my couch, throwing my phone onto the table hoping it didn't shatter. i did what noah told me to do, and took deep breaths, and breathed in and out. i shut my eyes and squeezed them tight as i felt a tear escape from my eye. "millie!? are you okay?" noah asked as he burst into my trailer. i looked up at him and he noticed the tears in my eyes. "woah millie what's wrong!! what happened?" he asked as he ran over and sat down beside me. "i ruined everything! everything!" i cried out. "what? what did you ruin?" he asked me. "everything with sadie!" i continued to cry. "what? you guys aren't friends anymore?" he asked me. "no- we are still friends but not for long.." i told him as i continued to shake head to toe.

"why? what happened?" he asked me. "the duffers decided to make elmax cannon, so i had to kiss her.." i told him as i sniffled. "oh, and she got mad?" he asked in a slightly confused tone. "no, but when it was time for the kiss she tried to pull away.." i told him. he gave me a confused look, so i continued to speak. "i- i was just caught up in the moment, and i didn't want the kiss to end.. so i just continued to force the kiss.." i told him as another tear escaped from my eye. "you.. didn't want the kiss to end?" he asked me with a confused expression. i took a deep breath and then spoke. "noah.. i think i like like girls.." i told him as my hands were trembling. "no.. i think i like like sadie.." i confessed to him as a tear rolled down my cheek.

his eyes widened and he was at a loss for words. "oh- that's great millie!" he stumbled over his words. "do you really think so? your not gonna stop being my friend now?" i asked him in an unsure tone. "what!? of course not millie! you've been my best friend for almost 8 years, you can't get rid of me that quickly." he told me while slightly chuckling. he pulled me into a hug, and i gently cried on his shoulder. "i ruined it now with sadie, didn't i?" i asked him as i pulled away from the hug. "well what did she do? did she keep kissing you or did she stop kissing back?" he asked. "she kept kissing back, but probably because the cameras were still going and she didn't want to redo the kiss scene.." i told him.

"well maybe sadie liked it?" he asked trying to cheer me up. "are you kidding noah? she's been my best friend since i was 12 and she's like the straightest person on earth." i told him.

"well if she told the duffers it was okay for elmax to happen, she's obviously bisexual or lesbian, or something." he suggested. "no- sadie will do anything for a role, even kiss a girl while she's straight." i told him. "i don't think so, why wouldn't she like you millie!? have you seen the way she acts around you or looks at you? she's like in trance when she's around you!" he told me. i looked at him with a confused and surprised face. "really?" i asked while sniffing. he sighed and then spoke. "you millie, you need to get your eyes checked if you have not noticed her constantly checking you out." she told me. my eyes widen in confusion as i spoke. "she checks me out!?" i ask him.

"are you kidding!? have you seen what happeneds when you look up 'sadie sink being fruity' on tiktok or twitter!? even the internet realizes it!" he told me. i slightly smiled and blushed as noah continued to explained why he thought sadie liked me back.

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