pt. 9

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"thank you again so much for watching her!" my mom said as jacey and her walked inside. "of course! hey jace, ready to have some fun?" i asked her as i kneeled down to her height. "yeah! and i have a few questions about season 5." jacey told me with a smirk. i smiled at her, and then stood back up. "so see you in a few hours?" i asked my mom before she left. "yeah, bye jacey!" my mom said before she walked out of my appointment. i shut my front door after waving goodbye, and then turned back around. "so? what should we do?" i asked her. "tell me about season 5 PLEASEE!" she begged. "you know i can't do that!" i told her as i messed up her perfectly straight hair.

"just some things! i won't tell anybody! I PROMISE!" she begged again as she gave me puppy eyes. i frowned as i tried to resist her puppy eyes, but i eventually gave up and caved in. "finee, but you better not go telling all your friends." i told her as i sat down on my couch, patting the spot next to me. her eyes lit up and began to sparkle, as she excitedly sat next to me. "okay! does max live?" jacey asked me. i frowned and pretended to act all sad as she sighed. "so you won't be in season 5?" she asked with a sad expression. "max is awake! i'm in season 5!" i excitedly told her. her eyes lit up once again, and she cheered. "yay okay! are you and luc- caleb gonna be together for season 5?" she asked with a smirk. "no- i.. i don't know quite yet, i only know what's happening for the first episode." i told her. "aww.." she winned getting sad again.

you see, the thing about my little sister, is that she's the biggest stranger things fan, and even worse the biggest lumax/mucas shipper. out of all people why does she ship the character her sister plays with somebody? every time i babysit her she insists on watching interviews of me, millie, caleb, finn, noah, and gaten, and always points out when caleb is staring at me. i'm not a very angry person, and it's hard to upset me, but this gets on my last nerves. i've noticed this myself, and i've talked to caleb about it, and made it very clear we're just friends. "sadie can i put on youtube?" jacey asks. "uh yeah sure! just nothing lumax or me and caleb ships please." i ask her. she sighs but nods.

i hear my phone buzz again, and i pull my phone out of my back pocket. i look at the contact of who sent the text, and as i read the name my heart began to beat faster and faster. almost grinning ear to ear i open the text from millie.

sadessssssssssss wanna get dinner with me and noah?

i was about to respond 'yes', but i looked over and realized my baby sister was still beside me.

can't sorry mills :c
s: i'm baby sitting jacey, next time?

aw yeah of course, and i have a lil surprise 4 u tmrw ;)

oo okay, and is it just me nervous what the duffers have to say tomorrow? i hope it's nothing bad

dw sades, matt said it's not that bad. we shouldn't worry :)

yeah your right mills, have a nice dinner with noah see you tomorrow :)

bye sadesss<3

i stared at the text she had just sent, for what felt like an eternity. the '<3' to be specific. my heart was beating a million miles an hour, and i started to feel slightly sea sick again. great, now i feel like this from texts about her. what did millie mean by a heart? did she mean love? or- no what are you thinking sadie? she is your friend, it was a friend heart, nothing more.

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